Getting Started with JQL Search Extensions

Welcome to JQL Search Extensions for Jira Cloud

Here you’ll learn:

  • where and how to use JQL Search Extensions

  • what is Extended search, and why should you use it

  • how to get comfortable using new keywords and functions

Before using the app for the first time, check the status on the Get Started page. If the Jira issues are still processing, wait until the process is complete.

What is JQL Search Extensions for Jira Cloud (JSE)?

JSE is an app that extends Jira Cloud's search and reporting capabilities. It delivers additional keywords and functions not available in native Jira advanced search to improve the speed, precision, and relevance of your issue searches.

What are JSE keywords?

JSE keywords reference issue properties and act as terms for indexed search results. They make it faster and easier to build your searches in Jira Query Language (JQL). Auto-complete also means you don’t have to memorize all the keywords.

Examples of keywords are CommentedBy or AttachmentExtenstion. A simple JQL clause could be AttachmentExtension = png. This will return all issues that have an attached PNG file.

To use JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you should know how to write and structure a JQL query. You should understand how to use functions and keywords to build relevant and precise search results. If you need help with JQL, refer to Atassian’s support documentation

Where can I use JSE?

JSE keywords:

  • In Jira advanced search

  • In JSE’s Extended Search page

In both cases, type the JQL keyword along with other JQL clauses in the issue search field.

JSE functions:

  • In the Extended Search page
    You can create queries with functions and save them as filters to use in Jira. All functions are preceded by issue in, for example, issue in dateCompare("duedate < resolved")

When you are starting out, keep the JQL functions reference handy to find the keywords and functions you need. The Extended Search page also has a cheatsheet so you can recall what you need, copy the syntax, or discover other functions and keywords.

What’s the difference between advanced search in Jira and Extended Search?

Advanced search is Jira’s native JQL issue search feature. It allows you to search across all projects in your instance using Jira Query Language (JQL). You can save your queries as filters and use them in reporting features as well as share them with others to facilitate their searching and reporting tasks.

Extended Search is JSE’s issue search feature for Jira Cloud. Here, you can expand on Jira’s native search using JSE functions and keywords, save your queries as filters, and then use them in Jira in future searches and reporting. To open the Extended Search page, in the top navigation bar in Jira, select Apps > JQL Search Extensions for Jira.

Get Started

The easiest way to start is to follow a simple scenario:

  1. Go to Apps > JQL Search Extensions. The Extended Search page is displayed.

  2. In the JQL functions reference, or the in-app cheat sheet, find a function or a keyword that you want to use.

  1. Type the query in the search bar on the Extended Search page then click Search. The resulting issues are displayed.

  2. To save the query as a filter, click Save the query as a filter.

  3. In the Filter name input field, type a name for your filter, then click Save. Choose a name that helps you identify the filter in a list of filters, for example, My Links Count.

  4. Click Show in Jira search to apply your filter in Jira advanced search. Your filter search results are displayed in a new tab in Jira.

  5. Now try using a few JQL keywords added by JSE in Jira advanced search.

How did it go? If you had trouble going through this scenario, submit a support request or book a demo for a friendly, no-nonsense consultation.