Agile JQL Functions
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The instructions on this page describe how to execute a JQL search using JQL Search Extensions.
Agile JQL functions
JQL functions are accessible from Extended Search screen or via Extended Search filters in Jira advanced search.
Finds issues that are planned for the next sprint. Pass a Jira board name or board ID as an argument.
issue in nextSprint("ACME board")
issue in nextSprint(10)
Finds issues that were part of a previous sprint. Pass a Jira board name or board ID as an argument.
issue in previousSprint("ACME board")
issue in previousSprint(10)
Finds issues that were added to the sprint after the sprint was started. Handy to identify a scope creep in the sprint.
Pass a Jira board name or board ID as a first argument.
Optionally, pass a sprint name or sprint ID as a second argument. By default, the active sprint is used in the search.
issue in addedToSprintAfterStart("ACME board")
issues added after the current sprint was started
issue in addedToSprintAfterStart("ACME board", "ACME Sprint 5")
issues added after sprint 5 was started
issue in addedToSprintAfterStart(10, 55)
you can also use board and sprint IDs