Linked Issues Validator

A workflow validator that ensures the issues linked to the current issue (existing and ones added during the transition) have certain characteristics. The transition to which the validator is added will pass only when the linked issues respect these characteristics.

When you add this validator to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on checks the specified condition on linked issues (existing and ones added during the transition) that are of the specified issue link type and issue type; all the other linked issues will be considered as satisfying the condition and hence pass the validation. You can further customize the validation using the details mentioned in the next section.

  • This validator does not work with remote links (links to Jira issues residing on another Jira instance/server).

  • Beware of the default "relates to" link type, which can cause confusion. The problem stems from the fact that "relates to" is both the inward direction and the outward direction of the "Relates" link type. We recommend that you rename one of the directions to "is related to" to avoid confusion. This can be done on the Issue Linking Jira admin page.

  • Jira portfolio links are not supported in Jira expressions and hence not available in the validator.

On the Service Management portal view of a request, the customer will not see the Error message when the validator fails. This is due to a known limitation (JSDCLOUD-5853) with Atlassian.

Configure the validator

  1. Follow the steps above to add a validator to a transition.

  2. From the list of validators, select Linked Issues Validator (JMWE app).

  3. The Linked Issues Validator page will open. Configure the validator as needed. See below for details on each of the configurations.

  4. Click Add.

Note that you will need to publish the workflow for the new validator to take effect.

The following configurations are available:

  • What to validate - Select one of the following validations to be run on the linked issues to allow or stop the transition from proceeding further:

    • Require the creation of issue links on the transition screen - At least one issue link must be added on the transition screen, and that link must be of the specified Issue Link Type and respect the constraints in the What to enforce on linked issues section.

    • Validate issue links added on the transition screen, if any - If issue links are added on the transition screen, validate that they are of the specified Issue Link Type and must respect the constraints in the What to enforce on linked issues section.

    • Require certain linked issues - The transition cannot proceed if linked issues respect the specified Issue Link Type and must respect the constraints in the What to enforce on linked issues section. These issue links can either already exist or be added on the transition screen.

    • Check linked issues - If the specified linked issue(s) exist, the transition cannot proceed unless these linked issues respect the specified Issue Link Type and must respect the constraints in the What to enforce on linked issues section. These issue links can either already exist or be added on the transition screen.

    • Forbid certain linked issues - If any linked issue with the defined Issue Link Type and the constraints mentioned in the What to enforce on linked issues section exists, the transition cannot proceed. These issue links can either already exist or be added on the transition screen.

  • Issue Link Type - Select the issue link type that links the current issue to the linked issues to check the specified condition against. Leave "Any (default option)" for no restrictions.

  • What to enforce on linked issues

    • Issue Type - Select the issue type of the linked issues to check the specified condition against. Leave "Any (default option)" for no restrictions.

    • Additional condition - Select one of the following:

      • None - Select this option for no additional condition.

      • At least one linked issue must satisfy the condition below - Select this option for at least one linked issue to satisfy the condition specified in Jira expression. 

      • Every linked issue must satisfy the condition below - Select this option for every linked issue to satisfy the condition specified in Jira expression.

      • Jira expression - Only visible when Additional condition, above, is set to Every linked issue must satisfy the condition below. Enter a Jira expression to be checked on all linked issues. If the Jira expression evaluates to true for all linked issues, only then the workflow validation will pass. If it evaluates to false for at least one linked issue the workflow condition will fail. See Using Jira Expressions for information on writing a Jira expression.

  • Error message - The error message that will display if the validator fails.

  • Validator scope

    • Conditional validation - Check this box to configure the validator to only run in specific circumstances.

    • Condition - Only visible when Conditional validation, above, is checked. Enter a Jira expression; if the expression evaluates to true, the validator will run.

    • Skip validation when cloning an issue - Check this option to skip the validator when an issue is being cloned.

Figure 1 - Linked Issues validator