Linked Issues Status Validator

A workflow validator which ensures that the current issue's linked issues have a status value matching the status values you’ve configured.

When you add this validator to a transition and trigger the transition, the extension validates the specified condition against the Status of the linked issue(s) (existing and ones added during the transition). If the condition is not met, the transition fails, and an error message.

Note: The list of statuses displayed under the Statuses field has all the statuses across different workflows. This is because the workflow of an issue and that of its linked issues can be different.

On the Service Management portal view of a request, the customer will not see the Error message when the validator fails. This is due to a known limitation (JSDCLOUD-5853) with Atlassian.

Configure the validator

  1. Follow the steps above to add a validator to a transition.

  2. From the list of validators, select Build-your-own (scripted) Validator (JMWE app).

  3. The Build-your-own (scripted) Validator page will open. Configure the validator as needed. See below for details on each of the configurations.

  4. Click Add.

Note that you will need to publish the workflow for the new validator to take effect.

The following configurations are available:

  • Issue Link Type - Select the issue link type that links the current issue to the linked issues to check the specified condition against. Leave "Any (default option)" for no restrictions.

  • Mode - Select one of the following conditions to be run on the linked issue(s) for the transition to be enabled:

    • All issues must be in the selected statuses below

    • At least one issue must be in one of the selected statuses below

    • No issue must be in one of the selected statuses below

    • At least one issue must not be in one of the selected statuses below

  • Issue Type - Select the issue type of the linked issue(s) to check the specified condition against. Leave "Any (default option)" for no restrictions.

  • Statuses - Select one or more statuses from the available list against which to check the issues.

  • Error message - The error message that will display if the validator fails.

  • Validator scope

    • Conditional validation - Check this box to configure the validator to only run in specific circumstances.

    • Condition - Only visible when Conditional validation, above, is checked. Enter a Jira expression; if the expression evaluates to true, the validator will run.

    • Skip validation when cloning an issue - Check this option to skip the validator when an issue is being cloned.

Figure 1 - Linked Issues Status validator