[Includes] Post-Function - Target Issues

The Target Issues configuration set which issue will be updated by the post-function.

  • Which issue(s) - Select the issue type.

    • Current Issue - The issue that is being transitioned and triggering the post-function.

    • Issue/Subtask

      • Sub-tasks of the current issue - Updates will be made to all sub-tasks of the current issue.

      • Parent issue of the current sub-task - Updates will be made only to the parent of the current issue (if any).

    • Epic/Story

      • Issues that belong to the current Epic - Updates will be made to all issues that belong to the current Epic.

      • Epic of the current issue - Updates will be made only to the Epic of the current issue (if any).

    • Portfolio Parent/Child

      • Child issues of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy - All child issues will be updated.

      • Parent issue of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy - Only the parent issue will be updated.

    • Issue links

      • Issues linked to the current issue through any link type

      • Issues linked to the current issue through the following link type

    • JQL / Groovy

      • Issues returned by the following Groovy script

      • Issues returned by the following JQL search

  • Issue Link - Only available when Which issue(s), above, is set to Issues linked to the current issue through the following link type. Select the required link type between the current issue and the issue to be updated.

  • Groovy script - Only available when Which issue(s), above, is set to Issues returned by the following Groovy script. Enter a Groovy script that returns the ID values for the issue or issues to be updated. See Customizing further with Groovy scripts for more information on Groovy scripting.

  • JQL expression - Only available when Which issue(s), above, is set to Issues returned by the following JQL search. Enter a JQL expression that returns the ID values for the issue or issues to be updated. See Using JQL in JMWE for more information on JQL.