Release notes 1.0.1

Graphviz Diagrams for Jira has been retired and archived on the Atlassian Marketplace on December 26, 2023. Current customers and evaluators were informed of this change on September 27, 2023.

As per our earlier communication, the maintenance of the app has been stopped as of October 15, 2023. Please contact our support team if you have any opinions.

Release notes 1.0.1

What's new

Update version from Universal Plugin Manager (UPM)

Jira administrators must manually accept the version upgrade from the UPM for this release. A new scope, “ACT_AS_USER”, was added to make the app secure that has caused this manual update. 

Until the update is accepted, the previous version of the application cannot be used.

The Bob Swift Atlassian Graphviz Diagrams for Jira app version 1.0.1 is available in the Marketplace with version number 1.1.0-AC. In the Manage apps screen, expand the Graphviz Diagrams for Jira tab to view the following information about the version update:

Release highlights

Resolved issues

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