Release notes 1.0.0

Graphviz Diagrams for Jira has been retired and archived on the Atlassian Marketplace on December 26, 2023. Current customers and evaluators were informed of this change on September 27, 2023.

As per our earlier communication, the maintenance of the app has been stopped as of October 15, 2023. Please contact our support team if you have any opinions.

Release notes 1.0.0

What's new

Introducing Graphviz Diagrams for Jira cloud

Graphviz Diagrams for Jira cloud allows you to generate dynamic diagrams in Jira issues. You no longer have to provide an external link to add diagrams or copy/paste diagrams from external resources into Jira issues. You can now quickly and easily create live Graphviz diagrams in Jira issues using simple, plain text expressions using DOT language.

Here is what the app has to offer:

  • At a click of a button, enter DOT language to visualize data as appealing diagrams in your Jira issues.
  • Display diagrams from a file attached to the Jira issue when you have your DOT syntax saved on a file.
  • Avail all the Graphviz diagram types:
    • Digraph - directed graphs
    • Graph - undirected graphs
  • Use various layouts to render your diagrams:
    • dot - hierarchical or layered drawings for directed graphs
    • neato - spring model layouts for undirected graphs

    • twopi - radial layouts for graphs

    • circo - circular layouts for graphs

    • fdp - spring model layouts for undirected graphs
  • Control colors, shapes, and line styles of your diagrams with different Graphviz attributes.
  • Save Graphviz diagrams as downloadable attachments in the issue.
  • and more...

Create a diagram using DOT language:

Create a diagram from an attachment:

Resolved issues

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