IC - Migration from Server/ DC to Cloud

Issue History Collector displays statistics by assignees and/or statuses in the Tabs directly in the ticket and in the Reports inside the projects. Both these options are available in the app for Server and Cloud. The information is displaying in real-time based on the issue history. When you move a project from Server to Cloud, the data needed to calculate the time spent in the status will be transferred with your project automatically. 

No additional actions are required from your side to migrate Issue History Collector data. The app settings (SLA, working hours) are similar in Server and Cloud, but currently cannot be migrated due to limitations from Jira side. Please check and re-configure them after migration. We're monitoring Jira updates and will add this option as soon as it can be possible.

Feature Comparisons Server/DC vs Cloud

We're working hard to ensure the most similar functionality in Cloud as you're used to seeing in Server. But it's not totally the same due to the different architecture between Server and Cloud Jira versions. 

Please check the list of the available features Issue History Collector app for Server/DC and Cloud hosting options.

If you have any questions, please visit our Service Desk or contact the Anova Apps Products team at anovaproducts@appfire.com.