Issue History Collector

Issue History Collector

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Issue History Collector

Issue History Collector is a Service Desk app that provides an ability to show issue duration by assignees and/or statuses.

Monitor issue duration in real time

Two issue tabs with real time statistics by assignees and/or statuses. Easy to track how long the issue was worked on in terms of users or statuses.

View total time in the specified statuses

Calculated custom field shows how long an issue has been in a particular status. There is an option to highlight the time if it exceeds specified threshold.

Reports by issues history statistics

Project reports enable you to keep track on status duration by user or time spent by user to complete a business process.

Features in Issue History Collector

We're working hard to ensure the most similar functionality in Cloud as you're used to seeing in Server. But it may not be totally the same due to different architecture between Server and Cloud Jira versions.




Select certain Projects

Select certain Status(tick)(tick)
Custom Fields(tick)


The information is available in the Glance panel in one field

Select Time format(tick)



SLA time tracking & highlight(tick)*


The server version allows to set up different SLAs for different TTIS custom fields

Dashboard Gadget with multiple reports types




Configuring working hours

Configuring non-working days(tick)(tick)

User/Status & Status/User Statistics Issue tabs


Assignee History & Issue History Statistics Reports

Export Report to Excel(tick)(tick)

Use in conjunction for MAX power:


    Surveys for        Prometheus Exporter      Power Database Fields
       for Jira                     PRO Apps                      PRO® for Jira

Contact Us

If you have any questions, contact the Anova Apps Products team at anovaproducts@appfire.com

Please visit our Service Desk to request support, report a bug, or suggest a feature

Be sure to visit our Welcome page to get more information about other contact methods and hours of availability, SLAs, EULA and more.

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