Flow Board 2.4

This release introduces several features:

Copying Boards

  • Copy Boards directly from other Boards or from exported Board JSON data files, available from the “…” menu on a Board

Copy Board Controls


Links to Confluence Content

  • Link to Confluence Content in your Cards. Link to:

    • Spaces

    • Pages

    • Blog Posts

    • Attachments


Filtering and Sorting in Boards Admin Tool

  • It is easy to find your Board data on a site with several Boards

  • Search and sort is provided on the Boards tab of the admin tool


Enhanced Notifications

  • Notifications have been added for a card that is due soon or overdue

  • An option has been added for aggregating notifications to reduce chattiness of notifications for multiple changes to the same card


Clearing Boards

  • Clear all Lists and Cards from a Board in one click, available from the “…” menu


Flow Board Lite

  • In unlicensed (Lite) mode you can use Flow Board but with limited capabilities.

  • Here are the features you will be able to use when you buy a license:

    • board themes

    • compact boards

    • more than 3 lists per board

    • full rich text editing controls

    • card links to pages, attachments, and more

    • card change notifications

    • due dates and due date notifications

    • card assignment notifications

    • automatically copying boards during page copy

    • manually copying one board to another (templates)

    • display of card creators

    • exporting a board to JSON

    • importing a board from JSON

    • clearing all cards and lists from a board

    • admin configuration

    • admin board searching and sorting



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