Flow Board Version Feature Comparison


Flow Board v1.0.4

Flow Board Lite (v2.4 and beyond)

Flow Board Full (v2.4 and beyond)


Flow Board v1.0.4

Flow Board Lite (v2.4 and beyond)

Flow Board Full (v2.4 and beyond)



Upgradable to later versions

Add, rename, and archive lists of cards

Add, update, and archive cards

Add, update, and remove card descriptions

Add, update, and remove multiple card assignees

Add card comments

Unlimited cards per board

Unlimited lists per board

(limited to 3 lists per board) +



Maintenance and feature releases




Comment authors can remove their own card comments


Admins can remove any card comments


Restore cards and lists from archive


Delete cards and lists from the archive


Basic rich text editing of card descriptions and comments


Card creation timestamps


Help link in the board titlebar


Manual board refresh control


Performance enhancements


Admin board management


Admin export of board data


Read-only mode for anonymous users


Read-only mode for Confluence Data Center


Support for Confluence Data Center


Share a link to a card on a Confluence page


Advanced rich text editing of card descriptions and comments



Admin feature configuration



Board themes



Compact boards



Card change notifications



Card creator display



Card assignment notifications



Add links to spaces, pages, blog posts, and attachments to cards



Add, edit, and remove due dates from cards



Due date notifications



Apply automatic card updates when moved to a new list



Boards copy when the parent page is copied



Find and copy data from another board



Export board data



Import board data



Clear all board data



Admin app configuration



Search and sort boards in admin screen



Translations for 24 languages in the users preferred language



Card Colors



Card templates



Manually archive all cards in a list at once