
Remove a user or a group as the owner of the delegated group



Removing Group

Parameter NameValueDescription
groupStringName of the delegated group
groupKeyStringName of the group that is currently an owner of this delegated group but needs to be removed from the ownership

Removing User

Parameter NameValueDescription
groupStringName of the delegated group
userKey/userStringName of the user who is currently an owner of this delegated group but needs to be removed from the ownership

Sample request

Removing Group

curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE -d '{"group": "Administrators","groupKey":"jira-administrators"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v http://your.server.url/rest/wittified/delegated-groups/1.0/configure/remove-owner

Removing User

curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE -d '{"group": "Administrators","userKey":"ff80808160e8c8810160e8d6a1210000"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v http://your.server.url/rest/wittified/delegated-groups/1.0/configure/remove-owner

curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE -d '{"group": "Administrators","user":"admin"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v http://your.server.url/rest/wittified/delegated-groups/1.0/configure/remove-owner

Sample response
