Administrator's Guide - 2.20 thru 2.28 (most-recent)

Access the Delegated Group Management configuration page

To access the Delegated Group Management configuration page,

  • In Confluence: Navigate to Cog menu  > Apps > Delegated Group Management.
  • In Jira: Navigate to Cog menu > User Management > Delegated Group Management.

Delegated Group Management consists of two configuration tabs, Delegate Groups and General Configuration, which are explained in detail in the succeeding sections.

You can also use REST APIs to interact with the app remotely.

 On This Page

Delegate Groups

In the empty state of delegated groups or when no delegated group is added yet, administrator(s) see the below message which suggests adding a group(s) for delegation.

Upon adding few group(s), this page lists all the existing delegated groups. Click next or the page number to navigate to the respective page. A maximum of 25 groups are displayed in a page. The groups are sorted alphabetically in this page.

The Delegated Group Management configuration page allows you to select the owner of a group. The page consists of:

Filter groupEnter the intended text and click Filter to view the respective results in the page.
Group name

The group that is delegated. You also see the count of the number of groups in the list next to the Group name header.


One or more individuals are designated as the owner of the delegated group. Notice that the group name is in bold to differentiate it from a user name. Also, the number of users in the group is displayed next to it. 

RemoveClick to remove an individual or a group from being an owner of the group.
Stop DelegationClick to stop delegating the respective group.
Add ownerClick to designate an owner.
Add groupClick to add another delegated group. The newly added groups are sorted alphabetically in the existing list automatically.

Delegate a group

To delegate a group, begin to enter the intended text in the Select group field to view the auto-suggestions. Select a group and click Add group to add them to Delegated Group Management. You can also add multiple groups at once as follows:

After clicking Add group, you are returned to the Delegated Group Management configuration page. The new group is listed, with "no owner specified" in the Owner(s) column.

Add owner to a group

To add an owner, click Add owner next to the intended group. The Add new owner page is displayed.

  1. Start typing into the fields provided to view auto-suggestions and select a user or group from the respective field. You can select more than one user or group here.
  2. Click Add owner to add the specified user(s) or group(s) as owner(s) to the group.

Remove owner for a group(s)

To remove an individual or a group from being an owner of the delegated group, click Remove next to the owner. A pop-up requiring confirmation appears to take confirmation

on whether the owner needs to be removed for that delegated group only or across all the delegated groups.

  1. In case "Remove for this group only" option is chosen, intended owner is removed for the particular delegated group only.
  2. In case "Remove across all the delegated groups" option is chosen, intended owner is removed across all the delegated groups.
  3. Click Yes to confirm your choice, click Cancel to abort the process.

Remove delegation from a group

To remove delegated ownership from a user group, click Stop delegation next to the respective group. A pop-up requiring confirmation appears. Click Yes to remove the group from the Delegated Group Management configuration page or Cancel to abort the process.

Manage delegated groups

By following these steps, you can effectively utilise the feature of managing delegated groups from external systems.

Step 1 : Click on the profile icon  on the top right of the page, then click on “My Groups“ from the menu.

Step 2 : In “Select group to administer“ dialog, all the delegated groups are listed with a link icon() adjacent to each group.

Step 3 : Click the link icon( ) to copy the group URL. Now manage group dialog can be accessed from any application using the copied link.

General Configuration

This page consists of the Help us improve the product parameter. When enabled, this allows us to collect some usage data that helps us improve the product. To learn more about what is being sent, refer to Analytics InformationThis configuration can also be turned off if you do not wish to share the information. By default, this is enabled.

This page consists of another section to configure the groups to exclude from delegation. Begin to enter the intended text in the Select a Group/s field to view the auto-suggestions. Select a group or multiple groups to exclude from delegation of such groups. The groups which are already delegated can not be excluded from delegation.

This page consists of another section to configure user email domain(s) that can be whitelisted. Hence whitelisted users can only be added to Group(s) by Delegated user(s). Either specific email domain(s) can be included or specific email domain(s) can be excluded.

This page consists of another section to configure user groups that can be white listed. Hence whitelisted users belongs to configured groups only can be added to the delegated groups. 

Click Save to save your configuration.