Configuration Fields

Configuration Fields







Condition 1


See: How to use pattern matching conditioning

Condition 2


See: How to use pattern matching conditioning

Issues to update


Defaults to the issue being transitioned. Is a comma-separated list of one or more issues to be updated with the configuration provided

JQL query


Query that is run to provide substitution variables including %jql_result_count%, %jql_result_list%, and %jql_result_1%. The query will be run once unless the field contains an entry specific subsitution variable, in which case the query will be run for each different entry value.



Set issue summary field



Transition name or ID. Defaults to no transition. When doing a transition, only fields available on the transition screen will be updated. The original issue being transitioned can not participate in another transition. 



Set issue description field



Set project when creating issues

Issue type


Set issue type



Set priority



Set priority



Set assignee

Affected versions


Set affected versions from a comma-separated list of version names

Fixed versions


Set fixed versions from a comma-separated list of version names



Set components from a comma-separated list of component names

Due date


Set due date. Use work to exclude non-working days (example: 5 work).

Time tracking


Set original and remaining estimate

Issue security level


Set security level for the issue



List of labels to be set on entry issue



Adds a link to the issue

Copy links

All link types

Copy one or more links from the issue key (or keys) provided to the issue. By default, all link types will be copied from each issue key specified. Specify a comma-separated list of link types to subset the copy to only those issue types.

Copy remote links

All remote link types

Copy one or more remote links from the issue key (or keys) provided to the issue. By default, all remote link types will be copied from each issue key specified. Specify a comma-separated list of remote link types to subset the copy to only those issue types.



Issue key. If specified, attachments will be copied from the issue to the entry issue.



Add watchers from a comma-separated list of user IDs



Comment added to entry issue

Comment security


Security group or role for the comment.

Copy parent issue custom fields


A comma-separated list of custom field names or IDs - each field is copied from the parent issue

Copy original issue custom fields


A comma-separated list of custom field names or IDs - each field is copied from the original issue

Set custom field


Set the value of a specific custom field identified by its name or ID.

For date fields, there is an option to specify a date offset (in days) that will be used to adjust the value. Use work to exclude non-working days (example: 5 work).

Acting user

Transition user

Provides a way for some permission checking and access to be done under a user different than the user doing the transition. This allows the workflow designer more flexibility to do actions for the user that they normally would not be able to do outside of the workflow. Tip: How to act on an issue for the assignee.



Set the environment field



Allows the workflow designer to document the post function

Parent issue

If the issue is not a subtask, then the parent issue is the same as the original issue - the issue that originally started the transition.

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