Administrator guide - Server/DC
This guide provides administrators with information to use the app efficiently.
App configuration
Once the app has been downloaded and installed, administrators can set who can use the app. Administrators can use this setting to restrict the ability to perform bulk operations to certain groups of users. This setting is meant to be above the regular page restrictions to control who can access pages and thus, who can copy those.
To specify who can use the app:
Navigate to > Manage apps.
Select Copy Page Tree under the APPFIRE CONFIGURATION section in the left sidebar.
Enter a comma-separated list of user names or user groups allowed to use the app in the Allowed Groups parameter.
Leave this parameter blank to place no additional restrictions on the use of Copy Page Tree. This leaves just the default restrictions: a user needs read access to copy (they can copy what they can see), and a user needs remove access to delete.
Click Save to confirm.
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