User permissions for publishing

Confluence permissions to configure publishing

To configure publishing from a source space to a target space, a user must have

  • space administrator permission in the source space

  • space administrator permission in the target space

Source space set up

In a space settings publishing dashboard, a space administrator can

  • use the publishing setup wizard to Configure Publishing in a space (currently not used as a source or target space)

  • manage the publishing configuration settings for an existing source space

  • use the publishing dashboard ellipsis menu to Clear Publishing configuration

Target space permissions

For a space administrator setting up a source space who does not have the necessary permissions in a selected target space

In the source space dashboard, on choosing the target space

  • dashboard displays a warning message confirming the user does not have enough permissions in the target space

  • Next option is disabled

If the space administrator is changing the target space in an existing source space linked for publishing and does not have the necessary permissions in the new target space

  • selected target space is greyed out

  • a warning message is displayed confirming the user does not have enough permissions in the target space

The other publishing configuration options are also disabled.

When the permissions warning is displayed, you can refresh the dashboard to return the source space publishing configuration to the existing target space.

Confluence user permissions for publishing

A user publishing a page from the source space to a target space requires view and edit permission in both spaces.

The view and edit permission is needed

You also need at least the following space permissions in the target space to publish a page:

  • View All

  • Add and Delete Pages

  • Add and Delete Attachments

Single page publishing

Space publishing

As a space administrator publishing pages using

User without edit permission in source space

If a user only has view permission for a page in the source space

  • the publishing status byline is not displayed

  • there is no access to the publishing popup

  • the user cannot publish the page using single-page publishing

User without view or edit permission on a page in the target space

If the published target space page has page-level permissions for the publishing user in the source space, the publishing user can

  • view the publishing status

  • open the workflow popup

  • cannot see the Publish option

The View Published Version button is displayed, but no link is available unless you have view permission on the target space page.

Error - user with ONLY VIEW permission in target space

A user is unable to publish a new page in the source space if they have

  • view and edit permission in the source space

  • but only view permission in the configured target space

Error - user without view or edit permission in target space

A user is unable to publish a new page in the source space if they have

  • view and edit permission in the source space

  • but no page permissions in the configured target space

Error - when permissions change on an existing published page in the target space

If a page has already been published and synced to the target space, subsequent publishing actions are affected if the page-level permissions change and cause a publishing conflict.

If the user publishing the page has view and edit permission on the source space but

  • only view permission on the target space

    • an error message is displayed when trying to publish a page

In some cases, with the page may be published as a new page in the target space without an error and the page name appended with a number in brackets

The publishing user does not see the original published page in the target space - they do not have view permission.

For example, when publishing a source space page, Project Teams with an existing target space page with added page restrictions that affect the publishing user

  • a duplicate target space is created and synced Project Teams (2)

To see both pages in the target space, the user must have at least view permission for each page.

  • subsequent publishing actions sync to this new page

The previously published page in the target space displays the last publishing status byline before creation of the publishing conflict and a View source link in the publishing popup but is no loner synced for publishing.

One of the target space pages must be removed to prevent publishing conflicts:

  • if the original <Pagename> is removed, a subsequent publishing action removes the appended number brackets on the alternate <Pagename>(2) page

The publishing conflict is resolved by deleting one of the linked target space pages.

For example:

  • delete the original target space page

  • publish and sync the source page again

The target space page name is updated and the appended (2) is removed.

Space administrator permissions for publishing

The space administrator requires permissions in the source space and the target space to publish and sync pages

  • space administrator permission

  • view and edit permission

Adding a page restriction to a page in the source space or a page in the target space affects the ability to publish a page.

Without edit permission for a page in the source space

The view and edit permissions cause the page to be hidden from the Comala Publishing action for the user who is the space administrator.

If a space administrator does not have page edit permission for a page in the source space

In addition, the Publish option in the publishing popup is not displayed and the space administrator cannot publish the page using single-page publishing.

Without required permissions in the target space

Page-level permissions on the target space page

When publishing and syncing existing published pages, the space administrator must have view and edit permission on the target space pages.

A space administrator cannot publish and sync a source space page to a target space page with an edit or view restriction for the publishing user.

  • publishing to a target space page with an edit restriction for the publishing user

    • edit restriction prevents publishing and an error is displayed

  • publishing to a target space page with a view and edit restriction for the publishing user

    • restrictions prevent publishing action syncing to the existing page

However, publishing creates a new alternate target space page with the same name but appended with a number in brackets.

  • subsequent publishing syncs to the new page <Pagename>(2)

If you view the target space with only view permission, you can see both the original published page <Pagename> and the newly published page <Pagename>(2).

A publishing conflict and error is generated if:

  • someone with no page restrictions for the original target space page, publishes the source space page

  • removal of the page restrictions without removing the alternate page

You must remove one of these pages to solve this publishing conflict and clean up your target space.

If the original <Pagename> is removed, a subsequent publishing action removes the appended number brackets on the alternate <Pagename>(2) page.

See for details on how to resolve this publishing conflict.

Publishing app add-on user



Permissions for the Comala Publishing app user

The Comala Publishing app user is added to all spaces by default, with the following permissions: