Data upgrade for document activity in data center



Comala Document Control 2 introduces an improved capability - Document Activity. This requires you to upgrade your data in spaces with pages and/or blog posts with an applied Comala workflow.

New spaces created in your data center instance will automatically use document activity data and do not need to undergo any data upgrade

Spaces in your data center instance that have not previously had a Comala workflow applied to any page or blog post will also automatically use document activity when applying a workflow for the first time and will not need to have the data upgraded.

Document Activity Upgrade Console

The Document Activity Upgrade console in global administration enables you to manage the upgrade of your data (and run pre-upgrade checks).

The data upgrade option is only available in Comala Document Control v2.0 and later. This will require Read Only mode in your data center to be enabled during the data upgrade.

Pre-upgrade checks can be completed from Comala Document Control v1.13+ on both Confluence server and data center. We recommend that you update to the latest version of the Comala Document Control app before running the checks to ensure you have the latest set of use cases.

Data upgrade

Once you have completed the pre-upgrade checks you can plan your upgrade activity to take place in

  • a single upgrade window

  • across multiple upgrade windows


Running the data upgrade

What to do if any pre-upgrade checks or an upgrade fails?

A pre-upgrade check that includes any errors on pages in a space will display the number of pages with an error in the space and a downloadable Support Package file. This can be attached to a Comala support ticket.

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