System user access token
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The System User Access Token is used to authenticate while making requests to WhatsApp’s API. This token ensures that WhatsApp recognizes the request as legitimate, distinguishing it from potential malicious attempts.
We've summarized how to create a System User Token below. For more details, check out the official guide.
Step 1: Generate system user access token on Meta for Developers
In the app, go to Business Settings.
Below Users, click System Users.
Click Add New System User.
Give a name to the system user, and choose the Admin role. Click Create System User.
Click the Add Assets button. Navigate to Apps, select your App in assets, and turn on the Manage App switcher. Then click Save Changes.
Click Generate New Token.
Select your app and business_management, whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_managing permissions, then click Generate Token.
You should associate the application before creating the token. If you create the token before associating the app with the user, the token may not be created with the right permissions.
Copy and don’t forget to save your System User Token.
Remember, you can only share a token once. Each new system user requires a newly generated token.
Hooray! You have generated a System User Token.
Step 2: Add system user access token to Chat
Open your project, and click Project Settings > Chat for JSM > Integrations > WhatsApp Business.
Copy the System User Token into the required field.