Chat Notifications

This page is about Chat for JSM Cloud. Using Server or Data Center? Click here.

Chat for JSM lets you set up both visual and sound notifications for new service requests. These notifications are designed to keep support agents informed about newly initiated chats and customer replies so that they can start taking care of them as soon as possible.

For Agents

Browser Notifications

Chat for JSM can be set up to send browser notifications to agents when new chat requests and replies from customers arrive. When the agent clicks on the notification popup, the Chat Dashboard opens.

A new customer message notification.

Sound Notifications

When agents are online and have the Chat Dashboard open anywhere in the browser, they can receive sound and visual notifications for new requests and messages from customers.

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A new message notification appearing on the Chat Dashboard.

For Customers

Visual and Sound Notifications

Seamlessly integrated into the widget, visual and sound alerts keep customers aware when a new message from help desk agents arrives. The customer initiating the chat can turn on and off the sound notifications.

Email Notifications by Jira

These are email notifications sent by Jira to the customers. You can configure them by navigating to Project Settings > Chat for JSM > Customer Notifications. When a customer sends you a message, they can receive an email from Jira showing that message and the current status of the ticket.

By default, the tickets initiated via Chat have these email notifications turned off. Admins can enable this feature in the Project Settings > Chat for JSM > Authentication > Registration to Chat Widget section.

Customers can turn off notifications by:

  • Selecting Turn off this request’s notifications in the notification email, or

  • Going to the request view in the portal (Requests > All), and changing Notifications on to Notifications off.