Configuring an existing Mapping
This guide walks you through configuring an existing mapping.
Each Jira issue type can only be mapped to at most one Salesforce object.
Accessing the Field Mapping Interface
This interface is much like the Mapping Configuration Interface and performs a similar function.
For each mapping you create to Salesforce in the previous steps, you will need to map the interaction between the fields available in that Salesforce object to the fields available in Jira.
For example, the Salesforce Case object actually has a large number of fields available in it to which you could associate a Jira field, such as:
Case ID
Case Description
Case Subject
In order to define which of these fields you want to associate to Jira fields, you will need to create a new field mapping for each field and synchronisation direction.
Go to the Mapping Configuration Interface.
Under the Operations column of the mapping you want to configure, click Configure.
You will be presented with the Configure Mappings screen where you are shown all of the configured field mappings as well as the interface to add a new field mapping.
Adding a Field Mapping
A field mapping can be added for each direction of synchronization that you wish to have for the Salesforce object.
For example you might to add bi-directional synchronization for the Salesforce Case ID, but you might only want Jira to pull information for the Salesforce Description from Salesforce.
Go to the Field Mapping Configuration Interface.
Add your values in the Add Field Mapping form below the mapping configurations list, according to the field definitions above.
Click Add.The mapping will appear immediately in the table above.
In our example, we mapped the following Jira fields to Salesforce Fields:Jira Issue Description to Salesforce Case Description
Jira Issue Summary to Salesforce Case Subject
Removing a Field Mapping
Go to the Field Mapping Configuration Interface.
Click Remove next to the configured field mapping that you would like to delete.
The screen will refresh and the mapping will be gone.
In our example, we removed the Jira Outbound mapping for the "Summary" Jira Field so that the synchronization is only one way from Salesforce to Jira.
Take note that there are no confirmation screens so do be careful when deleting field mappings.