Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing

As of October 1st, 2023, Connector for Salesforce & Confluence Server & Data Center is discontinued and will no longer be supported (end of life).

If you have any questions, contact our Support team.

This page will guide you through the process of installing Connector for Salesforce & Confluence Server & Data Center.






Installation using an Atlassian License (a license bought through the Atlassian Marketplace).

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.

  2. Go to the top right of the page and click on the cog icon > Manage apps.
    The Manage add-ons screen loads.

  3. Click  Find new apps.

  4. Locate Connector for Salesforce & Confluence Server & Data Center via search. The appropriate add-on version appears in the search results.

  5. Click  Try free to begin a new trial or  Buy now to purchase a license.
    You're prompted to log into MyAtlassian. The download will then begin.

  6. Enter your information and click  Generate license when redirected to  MyAtlassian.

  7. Click  Apply license.
    If you're using an older version of UPM, you can copy and paste the license into your Confluence instance.

Frequently Asked Questions


This may happen if you have a large instance and may also happen if you are upgrading from a previous version. We advise you to wait it out, especially if your instance contains large amounts of data.

If you have questions about our add-on licenses, contact our support team.

MyAtlassian is a site to manage your Atlassian-related licensing and orders. If you have a valid license for the designated add-on, the license key would be stored on MyAtlassian.

Copy the license key and manually paste the key into the Universal Plugin Manager:

  1. Go to the top right of the page and click on the cog icon  > Manage apps.

  2. Then, expand the add-on details and paste the license key in the text box.