Confluence top header menu is not displayed when Comala Document Management is enabled - Google Chrome browser


Some customers are reporting that Confluence navigation bar items are disappearing on the homepage of your Confluence instance when Comala Document Management is enabled while using Google Chrome.

When Comala Document Management is disabled the Confluence homepage navigation bar items are displayed. This effect still occurs when safe mode is entered and Comala Document Management is enabled.

This is an issue that can occur when using Google Chrome version 97.0.4692.71 or above. This problem can also occur if using Microsoft Edge Chromium.


This issue is fixed after upgrading to Confluence 7.13.4 or above.


If you are not able to upgrade your Confluence instance at this time, we have built a small CSS fix as a workaround for fixing this issue that could be easily implemented.

Effects are completely safe regarding data, it will only have a visual impact on the top menu. You can add the below as custom CSS on your instance:

.aui-header-primary .aui-nav{width: auto !important;}

To implement the custom CSS it needs to be added by a global administrator.

  • choose General Configuration in the Confluence Administration menu 

  • search for Stylesheet under the Look and feel options

  • choose Edit in Space Stylesheet

  • copy and paste add the CSS above into the Space Stylesheet dialog box

  • choose Save

The CSS is added to the Space Stylesheet used across the instance.

 If a space has a custom style sheet added by a space admin, then you will need to also add this to that space separately

At some stage, when the next version of Chrome is released, this custom CSS should no longer be necessary and you can remove the fix.

Further reading