Require parameters

Require parameters


If the destination state has been configured to require setting one or more workflow parameter values the workflow popup displays a warning for the transition.

Once a parameter value has been set, it is not prompted for again unless the saved value is removed

Require parameters option is only for approval transition actions and state Submit transition or state Select transition actions. Require parameters is not a feature for other actions such as task related actions.

User state transition - select and submit transition

When the Require parameters option is set for the destination state, a Select transition and Submit transition from another state require the parameter values.

For the transition option to a single state, the Submit button displays a warning icon.

Choosing the Submit button opens a text box to enter the value of the required workflow parameter.

The Change state button is enabled when a value for the workflow parameter is added.

The Select transition in the state also displays a warning icon when the destination state has been configured to Require parameters.

Approval transition

An approval decision button is displayed with a warning icon if the destination state requires setting one or more workflow parameters.

Choosing the approval decision with the warning icon opens a text box to enter the value of the required workflow parameter(s).

The decision button is enabled when a value for the workflow parameter is added.

Required parameters are only prompted if a user performs a workflow action such as approving/rejecting, or state selection. If a state transition is by a trigger, a page update, or task-related action, there is no Require parameters check.

See also

User Guide:

Reporting Guide:

Workflow Authoring Guide: