Reporting Tools


User Profile Reports

In their User Profile, each user can view

  • their pending assigned approvals in the Document Actions report


  • their pending Read Assignments in the My Read Assignments report

Page Activity

To view the record of who has approved or rejected the current page select Page Activity from the Page Tools menu or the workflow popup. All approvals and rejections together with comments and expirations are recorded in the page activity history:

The report can be filtered using the tabs and exported as a CSV format file. It is also available for blog posts as well as for page content.

The {pageactivity} macro can also be added to a page.

Document Activity is displayed in data center instances with Comala Document Approval v2.0+ for spaces using document activity to record and track workflow events and actions. Page Activity is displayed for pages in Atlassian Server and legacy spaces in Atlassian Data Center that have not been upgraded to Document Activity.

Document Activity DATA CENTER v2.0+

To view the record of who has approved or rejected the current page select Document Activity from the Page Tools menu or the workflow popup. All approvals and rejections together with comments and expirations are recorded in the page workflow document activity report.

The document activity report is only accessible in data center instances with at least Comala Document Approval 2.0+ for Data Center only installed. Existing spaces with workflow events and actions in the instance (prior to installation of v2.0+) will need to upgraded to use document activity. These existing spaces will access the page activity report until the space data is upgraded using the Document Activity Upgrade console.

Space Document Tasks Report

The space tools document Tasks Report lists all tasks and task related information (current state, assignor, assignee, due date, time currently spent from user assignment for active tasks, or time to completion from user assignment) in the current space. The report can be filtered by a user assigned to the task.

Document Report

Confluence Search Filters

The workflow status and assignees can be used as filters in the default Confluence search or macros that support CQL.

Confluence Search

 In the Confluence general search screen, you can add filters to perform an advanced search.  Comala Document Approval adds filters for "Workflow state" or "Assigned approver".


Confluence provides several macros that support CQL filters, like the Content by label macro or the Page properties report macro.


If you are searching with your own app using the Confluence REST API the following field names should be used:


Field name


Field name

Workflow state


Assigned approver


cw_state search is case sensitive


cql=cw_approver="John" and cw_state="Approved"