Document approvals macro

Document approvals macro


You can add one or more document approvals macros to a page to display approval information for the applied approval workflow. You can configure the macro to display the approval information for an approval workflow state.

The document approvals macro information for a workflow state is shown as a table with one header row per approval and one row per reviewer of the approval.

By default, the current approval workflow state and the approval name.

You can edit the macro in the macro editor to display additional approval information.

The display options include

  • the current approval status

  • the reviewer’s name and the user avatar

  • reviewer status

  • the date of the last approval decision and reviewer decision

Adding the macro to a page

  • edit a Confluence page

  • type /doc

  • select the document approval macro option

By default, the macro displays the current approval workflow state name and the name of any approvals.

Select the macro and choose the pencil icon to open the macro editor.

If the State dialog box is left empty, the macro displays the approval information for the current state of the approval workflow.

With no checkboxes completed, the macro only lists the name of the approval in the state.

Select the Show status checkbox in the macro editor to display the overall status of the approval.

A separate row is added for each reviewer assigned to the approval.

You can configure the displayed columns by checking options in the macro editor.

Several macro options are redundant when using the macro to display approval information for Comala Document Approval:

  • Approvals order

  • Show comment

Adding multiple approvals to a workflow state is only available in the Comala Document Management Cloud app. Adding reviewer comments is available in Comala Document Management Cloud and Comala Document Control.

Configuring the macro

You can use the macro editor to configure the display approval information on the page.

If the State dialog box is left empty, approval information is displayed for the current state. Add the approval state name to the State option in the macro editor to display information for another state.

Check the macro editor checkboxes to display

  • the overall status for each approval in the state (Pending, Rejected, Approved) - Show status

  • the reviewers for each approval by checking one or both

    • Show reviewer avatar

    • Show reviewer name

  • the current status of each reviewer’s decision for the approval (Pending, Rejected, Approved, Approved and Signed, Unassigned) - Show status

  • the date of each reviewer’s last action (if any) - Show date

Show comment does not display comments. Adding a reviewer comment is a feature only available in Comala Document Control and Comala Document Management.

Transitioning the content

The information displayed by the macro is dynamic.

No state specified

If a state is not specified in the macro editor, transitioning the approval workflow to a different state will display the approval information for the new approval state.

No approval in the state

The document approvals macro will display the following message when in the Approved state if no state is specified in the approvals macro.

State specified

Setting a state in the document approvals macro editor displays the approval information for that state, irrespective of the current approval state.

Exporting content to PDF or Word

The approvals macro information table is included in a page export to PDF or Word.

Reviewer avatars are not included in a page export.

Use with other macros