Getting started with Comala Document Approval


Comala Document Approval workflow

The approval workflow helps you manage the review and approvals process for your Confluence pages and blog posts.




The Basic Approval Workflow above consists of three states - Review, Rejected and Approved - and one or more transitions from a state to one or more of the other states.

The applied workflow manages the document approval process with content moving from one state to another.

  • the Review state is a state for draft content and allows one or more users to approve or reject the page or bog post content

  • the Approved state is our final content that has been approved

  • if the Approved content is updated the workflow moves back to the Review state

The Approved state is defined as the final state for your reviewed and approved document.

The Comala Document Approval workflow has different workflow states and approval process that is used to

  • ensure that page content is reviewed and signed-off

  • assign specific users as reviewers for the content review in a workflow state

Only one approval workflow can be active on an individual page or blog post at any one time.

Adding a workflow to pages and blog posts

You can add the approval workflow to your documents in two ways

Applying a workflow to all space content using the Comala Document Control dashboard allows greater central management of your content and is the recommended use of a Comala Document Control workflow in a production environment.

A user must have admin permission to apply the approval workflow to all documents in the space

Once a workflow is added and applied to a document the approval workflow automatically defines the document as approved or draft depending on the state

Pages and blog posts with an applied workflow have a breadcrumb for the current workflow state added to the content page sub-title.

Choose the View approved to view the last approved version.

When viewing this last approved version of the content

  • the byline  Approved (Compare versions) is displayed confirming this is an approved version

  • and a link View pending approval to the current draft content version.

Using the workflow on a page

A page editor’s key interaction with the workflow added to a page is through the workflow popup accessed using the state byline breadcrumb.

The approval workflow popup includes options for moving the workflow from the current state to a destination state.

The popup progress tracker bar displays the states in the workflow and the destination state for the approval decision

The movement between these states is called a transition. In the Review and Rejected states, these transitions occur based on a user approving the page, rejecting the page, or updating the page.

Add a workflow on a page-by-page basis to each page or blog post

Add the workflow to all the pages and blog posts

The space settings document approval dashboard adds and applies the approval workflow to all pages and blog posts in a space.

In the dashboard

  • move the Basic Approval Workflow grey slider to blue to make the workflow active

Approving documents

On applying the approval workflow, the approval state byline breadcrumb is added to the page or blog post. This is the initial state of the approval workflow - the Review state.

Reporting approval workflow activity