PDF - Template Examples

You can use the following templates:

Show all comments of the task

Example 1
 #foreach($comment in $comments)

Exporting wiki formatted data from Issue comments section

Example 2
 #foreach($comment in $comments)

Filtering comments by "Comment internal" flag

Example 3
<p>Comments:<br />	
#if ($comments != $null && $comments.size() > 0)
 #foreach($comment in $comments)
   #if ($renderer.isCommentInternalServiceDesk($comment)) 
	<span>Internal JIRA SD comment: $comment.getBody()</span><br />

Fields rendering in templates

Example 4
  $fieldRenderer.renderField("T3 Priority Score")

Show all comments and related author of the task in the table format

Example 5
#set( $formatString = "EEE, MMM d, ''yy")
    #foreach($comment in $comments)
        <td>$dateFormatter.withStyle($formatString).format($comment.getCreated()) $comment.getAuthorFullName()</td>
         <p>$comment.getBody()</p><hr />

Show only public comments and related author of the task

Example 6
<p>Public comments for the issue $issue.getKey() with summary "$issue.getSummary()"</p>
<hr />
#if ("$!comments" != "" && $comments.size() > 0)
	#foreach($comment in $comments)
		#if("$!comment.getRoleLevelId()" == "")
			   $comment.getCreated() $comment.getAuthorFullName()
			   <br />
	<p>The task has not any comments</p>

Show info about all Issue's links, remote links and subtasks

Example 7
#macro( renderJiraIssues $listTitle, $itemTitle $collection )
			<li>title count: $subTasks.size()</li>
			#foreach($issue in $collection)
						<li>Key: "$issue.getKey()"</li>
						<li>Summary: "$issue.getSummary()"</li>

<p>Public comments for the issue $issue.getKey() with summary "$issue.getSummary()"</p><br />
		#renderJiraIssues("Subtasks", "Subtask", $subTasks)
		#renderJiraIssues("Issue Links", "Linked Issue", $links)
		<h4>Remote Links</h4>
			<li>Remote Links count: $remoteLinks.size()</li>
			#foreach($remoteLink in $remoteLinks)
					<h5>Remote link</h5>
						<li>Title: "$remoteLink.getTitle()"</li>
						<li>Url: $remoteLink.getUrl()</li>

Custom fields rendering in templates 

The customFields variable is available starting with v2.0.4 of the app.

Example 8
#macro( showIssueAttributes $itemIssue )
	<li>reporter : $itemIssue.reporter</li>
	<li>issue Key : $itemIssue.key</li>
	<li>summary : $itemIssue.summary</li>
	<li>type: $itemIssue.issueType.name</li>
	<li>status: $itemIssue.status.simpleStatus.name</li>
	<li>current user: $currentUser</li>

#macro( getCustomFieldsListAttachments $itemIssue )
		#foreach ($customField in $customFields)
			<li>custom field:
					<li>name: $customField.name</li> ///($customFields is available in v2.0.4 and above)
					<li>id: $customField.id</li>
					<li>value: $renderer.renderField($issue, $customField.name, "empty")</li>

#macro( showAttachments $itemIssue )
		#foreach ($attachment in $itemIssue.attachments)
					<li>filename: $attachment.filename</li>
					<li>id: $attachment.id</li>
					<li>url: $baseUrl/secure/attachment/$attachment.id/$attachment.filename</li>

		#showIssueAttributes( $issue )
		<li>Custom fields:
			#getCustomFieldsListAttachments( $issue )
			#showAttachments( $issue )
				#foreach ($subtask in $subTasks)
							#showIssueAttributes( $subtask )
								#showAttachments( $subtask )

Change date format in Word template for field "created"

Example 9

See also

PDF - Adding Easy PDF Word Issue Templates