
See also: Actions


Create a new plan. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. If the project key does not exist, it will be created with the provided project name. Use continue to ignore the request if the plan already exists. Use replace to replace an existing plan, which, by default, follows a move, delete, create scenario. Use '--options clear' to modify the replace scenario to only clearing most plan constructs so they can be reconstructed later. Use '--options addDefaultJob' to automatically add a default stage and job to the plan similar to creating a plan from the UI. Use '--options removeTrigger' to automatically remove the default polling trigger added when the repository parameter is specified. See the documentation on Plan Creation Scripting for more details.

Required Parameters


Optional Parameters

name, projectName, description, repository, disable, replace, continue, options





Output Formats

Replacement Variables

project, projectName, plan, planName

Since Version



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