Step 1-2: Select and preview reports to transfer reports ownership - 6.6.2

This page explains the UI elements and how to select reports owned by owner or deactivated users.

Step 1 - Select reports

In the Select reports step, you select the reports to transfer ownership.

The Manage Report Owners screen displays the sequence of steps to transfer reports ownership.

Results table

  • The Results table displays the list of all the reports owned by users, including the active and deactivated users.

  • You can select the reports manually or use the UI filters to quickly search for report owners or deactivated users and select the reports. Refer to this section on page Search report owner.

  • The table displays the details of each report's Owner, Name, Category, Shared with, and Last Modified.

  • To view the users with whom the report is shared, click the number in the Shared with column. The Shared with dialog opens and displays the names of the users with whom the report is shared.

    ART_Shared with_dialog.jpg
  • The table is sorted by owner name in chronological order.

Table header

The Table header always shows the count of the number of reports.

  • Results (n): When no report is selected, the table header is displayed as Results (n). Here, 'n' indicates the total count of available reports.

  • Selected reports (m/n): When you select some reports, the table header is displayed as Selected reports (m/n).

    • m : m indicates the count of reports selected.

    • n : n indicates the total count of available reports.

Select reports drop-down

The first table column displayed is the select reports drop-down. The drop-down provides the following options:

  1. When owner filters are not applied

    1. Select all reports: Choose this option to select all the reports on all the pages.

    2. Select all reports at this page: This option allows you to select reports only on the current page.

    3. Clear all selected reports: Choose this option to clear all the selected reports.

  2. When owner filters are applied

    1. To apply owner filters, refer to this section on the page Search report owner.

    2. Select all filtered reports: Choose this option to select all filtered reports on all the pages.

    3. Select all reports at this page: This option allows you to select reports only on the current page.

    4. Clear all selected filtered reports: Choose this option to clear all the filtered selected reports.

Clear all selected filtered reports:

When you choose Clear all selected filtered reports; the reports are cleared based on your selection for the reports owner drop-down.

  • If you have chosen the Owner option, then only the reports selected for different active users are cleared.

  • If you have chosen the All deactivated users option, then only the reports selected for All deactivated users are cleared.


  • The Results table displays all the reports owned by users and includes pagination for navigating to the previous, next, or any random page number.

  • Until you select any report, the Next button is disabled.

Use search to filter reports: To select the reports based on filters for owners and deactivated users, refer to this section on the page Search report owner.

Once you select the reports, to proceed to the next step, click Next.

To cancel the selections and return back to the app’s main page, Custom Report, click Cancel.

Search report owner

You can either select the reports manually or search the reports by owner name.

  • The filter drop-down provides two options to search for reports either by Owner or All deactivated users.

  • The drop-down value is set to Owner by default.


You can search the owner's name in the search text field to view the list of reports owned by an active user.

  • You can search for only one active owner at a time to select the reports.

  • As you start typing the Owner's name in the search text field, the search autocomplete provides relevant suggestions. The autocomplete returns only active users.

  • Once you choose the Owner name from the autocomplete suggestion, the Results (n) table gets filtered for the Owner name.

  • To clear the autocomplete selection and restore to the initial state, click Search icon.jpg.


All deactivated users

To view all the reports owned by deactivated users, select the deactivated users option.

  • When you select All deactivated users, the autocomplete is disabled with default value. You cannot filter for any specific deactivated user.

  • The Results table is filtered for all the reports owned by the deactivated users, and the list is sorted by Owner name.

  • You can navigate through the Results table pages and select reports that require ownership change.

If the instance does not have any deactivated users, the Results table will be empty and will not display any report data.

How the selection process works for reports of owners and deactivated users

To transfer ownership, report selection can be done for both owners and deactivated users. You can even select the reports manually without using any filters.

Search for reports by owners and deactivated users and select reports on the required pages. You can also use the first column, select reports drop-down option, to select reports with or without filters.

  • Owner: You can search for only one active owner at a time and select the reports.

  • All deactivated users: You cannot search for a specific deactivated user. The Results table displays the complete list of reports for all deactivated users.

  • Once you select reports for an owner, you can again perform a search for another owner and select the reports. The Reports table data is displayed based on your search.

  • The report selections will be retained as you select reports of owners and change the filter to another owner.

  • Repeat the above process until you have selected all the reports that require a change of ownership.

Step 2 - Overview

  • The Overview step provides a summary of the reports chosen in Step 1 - Select reports for transferring ownership.

  • You can navigate through all the pages to view all the reports.

  • To proceed to step 3, click Next.

  • To navigate back to Step 1, click Back.

  • To cancel and return back to the app’s main page, Custom Report, click Cancel.