Configure the Application link (Jira hosted only) - 7.0.1

Configure the Application link (Jira hosted only) - 7.0.1

Jira Hosted only: The Reports and Timesheets for Jira and Timesheets for Jira app require an Application link to be set up between the app and Jira Software.

It is a one-time setup only and requires Jira administrative privileges. This step is not applicable to Jira Cloud.

Configure the application link to use the Appfire API endpoints and report subscriptions feature

  • Appfire API:

    • Navigate to My Area > Appfire API. For more information, refer to Appfire API.

  • Report subscriptions:

    • Navigate to My Area > My Saved Reports.

    • To subscribe to any of the reports, under the Subscription column, click Email this report. For more information, refer to schedule reports for automated delivery (subscriptions)


Setup the Application link in Jira hosted

When you navigate to Appfire API or My Saved Reports > Email this report, If the application link has not been configured, you will see the Application link needed dialog box with instructions for setting up the application link.

  • Work with your Jira Administrator to set up the link using the steps listed in the dialog box.

  • You can also refer to the application link setup video below, but make sure to enter the actual input values exactly as mentioned in the dialog box.


Approve OAuth access

  • After setting up the application link, a validation message will appear. Click Re-validate OAuth Access.

  • Click on the link to approve OAuth access.

  • Click Allow to grant permissions.