What is a snapshot?


Snapshot Publishing allows you to easily generate static versions of your Confluence pages. This snapshot ensures that the content remains unchanged and compliant with regulatory or quality standards.

Confluence macros like Jira Issues, Excerpt Include or Metadata, that display live content will be frozen on each snapshot version.

How can a snapshot be used?

You can create a snapshot from a page in a space. A snapshot for a page document can be

  • created in any snapshot publishing enabled space in your instance

  • added to one or more Snapshot Collections

A Collection allows you to organize multiple pages and collate them as a static record of those pages

  • each Collection can be shared with different users and groups of users

  • each Collection can be configured to allow one or more users to contribute snapshot documents

A user can use the snapshot byline on a page to create a snapshot and add it to one or more Collections they have given permission to contribute to.

Users who have permission to view a Collection can view these using the Collections Viewer in the Confluence header options


Permissions to view and contribute to a Collection are managed by the user who created the Collection - the Collection Owner.

Why use snapshot publishing?

Snapshot Publishing allows you to set view and edit permissions on each Collection, providing improved control over the documents. This can be used to ensure that sensitive information is only shared with the appropriate people.

A snapshot is also versioned allowing you to

  • keep track of changes made to a page over time

  • and access previous versions of a page