Additional fields in Times Explorer



On hold

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@Alexander Belikov


Additional fields in TE

📋 Summary

As an administrator that uses time tracking data for reporting, I want to easily add additional relevant fields/columns to the Times Explorer view, so I can create richer reporting based on item attributes that are already set up in

Typical uses cases are around the fact that admins/managers want more detail within their time tracking data when doing exports etc. Example of use cases are:

  • Planned hours/work

  • Item type

  • Item Status

  • to which client is this item/worklog connected

  • which team worked on it

  • which department worked on it

📃 Comprehensive Overview

monday columns are used in a very flexible way:

  • totally customizable (title, type, contents,..)

  • can be used completely different across boards and workspaces

  • can be different for sub items

  • can have same names across boards but used differently

For this reason they need to be set up in a dedicated settings area first, before they can be used in TE.

This feature includes enhancements in the Times Explorer UI and a flow that navigates the user to a dedicated settings area, a columns connector in the settings area and the populating of additional monday data in TE.

The parts that include the managing of connected columns is only accessible by an admin.

Times Explorer

Via the ‘Customize columns’ pop up, the user can manage the visibility of connected columns by selecting/deselecting them. Those connected columns will be listed in a separate section called ‘ columns’.

If no columns are connected yet, the user will be navigated to so called ‘Columns connector’ in the settings area to manage the set up there. Once columns are added, edited or deleted this will be reflected in the ‘Customize columns’ pop up. Only admins are allowed to mange columns. The visibility in the TE can be accessed by non-admins as well?

Columns connector in settings area

The columns connector is the area where an admin can add, edit and delete connected monday columns. That means they can start adding new ones, and also have an overview of already connected columns that then can be edited or deleted. Since columns can be very flexible across monday boards, they are always accompanied with the respected boards information.

The admin has two different ways to set up connected columns:

  1. All at once: In case that companies mostly use the same columns across all boards, the admin can connect columns from a column-centric approach. That means that the admin can select a column (sees information about how this column is used across boards) and connect this column from all boards at once.

  2. One by one per board: In case columns are used very differently across boards (e.g. every department uses their own board) columns can connected up per board. That means that the admin selects a board first, and then can select the columns of that specific board they want to connect.



Only admins are allowed to set up connected columns. Once connected, also non-admins should have access for showing that data in TE. We also have to make sure to respect workspace and boards permission.

  • an admin can only connect columns of boards they have permissions for

  • an admin can only manage (edit, delete) columns of boards they have permissions for

  • users can only see data of monday columns in TE they have permissions for



  • 3 columns and 3 subitem columns per board

🔗 Linked Items

API Documentation:…

Design Files:


❗️ Affected Features

Feature Group



Action Items

Feature Group



Action Items













❓Questions and decision overview








How high should we make the limitation?

Limitation was initially set to 6 columns per board (3 for item, 3 for subitem) - let’s continue with this for now


Same monday columns in different boards/in subitems → handled as one column in 7pace?



Confirm column centric approach with Roman/Alex

  • how should the user select columns → board centric vs column centric?

Let’s experiment designs with both approaches.


What if columns with same names have a different type?

At the beginning, let’s just copy the string no matter the column type. Later we could support text, numbers and dates.


How to handle if one board has identical columns name

Let’s not support this edge case in the beginning, and just use the any column of this duplication





Should we maybe see columns as the same if name and type align?








📃 Technical aspects
