7pace Desktop Apps Release Notes

7pace Desktop Apps Release Notes

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.37.5 - 2022-06-17


  • Improved message text when user has lost access to the Billable feature.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.36.5 - 2022-06-02


  • Add Time: Billable hours enable/disable toggle switch has been added when adding a new worklog.

  • Start Tracking: Billable hours enable/disable toggle switch has been added when starting a new track.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.34.5 - 2022-05-19


  • Improved app behavior on reconnections.

  • Expired authorization updated.


  • Fixed rare issue that was occurring causing the app to crash on initialization with an empty gray screen displayed. 

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.32.5 - 2022-03-17


  • Onboarding: Improved pairing process of 7pace Desktop App with 7pace Timetracker (now requires only one button click on pairing screen inside desktop application).


  • Onboarding: Fixed rare issue that was occurring where an error message was appearing during the pairing process with the 7pace Desktop App. Timeframe mode in the Add Time Dialog is now synced with the Timeframe mode on 7pace Timetracker.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.31.5 - 2022-02-23


  • Fixed rare case where icons were not displaying in search results in GitHub organization.

  • Improved behaviour when user loses access to organization.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.29 - 2022-01-20


  • Added advanced search for the desktop app start new track page for the 7pace App integration.

  • Advanced search was added in Add Time on the desktop app.


  • Issue with resetting field values when updating worklogs history in Add Time was fixed.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.28 - 2021-11-25


  • A user can define "Preferences" and "Organization Settings" within the 7pace App and those selections will now be reflected in the desktop app.

Support organization and user settings for 7pace app accounts

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.27 - 2021-11-11


  • Closed workitem rule feature support added to the 7pace App for Mac and Windows. The desktop app now notifies the user if a workitem is closed immediately after selecting a workitem or on an attempt to edit a worklog.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.26 - 2021-11-04


  • Minor UI stability and performance improvements.


  • Added correct message/notification when the app is unpaired.

  • Removed extra colon on the tracking tooltip in the app tray.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.25 - 2021-09-09


  • Work Items Hierarchy tooltip now displays the full title of the work item, even when multiple rows are required to fit it.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.24 - 2021-09-02


  • Fixed issue that was occurring in rare cases when editing a worklog using the quick-time / preset time duration selections (0.5h, 1h, 2h, 4h) led to invalid worklog state.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.23 - 2021-08-26


  • Search field placeholder now always correctly displays in Add/Edit Time and Start Tracking forms.

  • Hotkeys description in "Settings -> Hotkeys" now always displays correctly.

  • Incorrect "Unpair" button alignment was fixed for long account names in organizations list.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.22.5 - 2021-08-02


  • 7pace Mac App Only: Fixed issue that was occurring after download, where Mac App wouldn't open. 

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.22 - 2021-07-29


  • Logic for updating today's date was improved in the Add Time Dialog calendar.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.21 - 2021-07-01


  • 7pace Beta App: Adding new worklog by "Add Time Dialog" with suggestions list is working correctly now.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.20 - 2021-06-24


  • New controls were added to the Add Time dialog to help quickly select worklog duration.

  • 7pace Beta App: Clicking on an empty Work Items Search input will now provide a suggestion list of work items to track/add time on.

  • Hovering over a work item inside the Add/Edit Time dialog and Start Tracking form will now show simple Work Item hierarchy (project and closest parent, if exists) inside a tooltip.

  • Improved stability of App update mechanism.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.19 - 2021-06-10


  • Improved behavior of error notifications, when app is trying to reconnect.

  • Long names in organization selector list will now be truncated with an ellipses at the end.


  • Date selection when adding/editing worklogs now works as expected.

  • 7pace Beta App: Fixed bug with incorrect display of undo popup when starting new track, after tracking was stopped in previous organization.

  • Rare error that occurred upon switching between 7pace DevOps Extensions and 7pace Beta App accounts was fixed.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.18 - 2021-05-27


  • Minor stability and performance improvements


  • Rare error with missing tray icons was fixed.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.16 - 2021-04-22


7pace Timetracker Beta App support.


  • Hotkeys: Added new hotkey for expanding and collapsing app.

  • Activity Check: Now, when you click the "Open app" button in the Activity Check window, the application will switch to the active tracking organization.

  • Tracking stopped notifications are now clearer when from a different DevOps org - notifications are not displayed if they are not related to the current organization.

  • In the account selector section, the unpair button for standalone accounts is displayed only at the account level. Organizations' background color changed to white.


  • Show/Hide hotkey: Was fixed for unusual resizes on using Show/Hide hotkey in minimized view.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.15 - 2021-04-08


7pace Timetracker Beta App support.


  • "Add New Organization" view now contains instructions on how to pair to both 7pace Timetracker Azure DevOps Extension and 7pace Timetracker Beta App.

  • User will now see a confirmation popup if organization switching was attempted while an active track is running for the current organization.

  •  "Activity Check" popup now contains a summary of the current track and information about the origin organization.

  • "Tracking switch" confirmation popup now contains information about origin organization.

  • The application will adjust its position to return to the "inside the screen" boundaries on minimize/expand, if one of its boundaries is overlapping with the screen boundaries.

  • Application will now display "The server is unavailable" error screen while maintenance is running on the dedicated Timetracker server. The user then has the ability to select a different organization or to re-try connection to server.


  • Default "Connecting..." screen was replaced by a bunch of modern "shimmers" for each main UI part.

  • User will now see two error screens after 30 seconds of unsuccessful connection to the server. "You seem to be offline" screen will appear if user's PC has no internet connection, and "Server is unavailable" screen when the Timetracker server is not responding. In both cases, the application will continue to re-establish the connection by itself with intervals, but user can also force the connection attempt by pressing "Try Again" button.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.14 - 2021-03-25


  • Significantly improved application reconnection logic after network or server-availability issues. Fixed rare issue with infinite reconnection tries with healthy network and server connection.


  • Fixed rare issue, where Tracking Switch confirmation popup was visible in Minimized View.

  • Fixed rare case, when Work Item ID, Comment, and Activity Type ID were unsynchronized with the server while actively tracking time.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.13 - 2021-03-18


It is now possible to choose History sorting order - "Last Edited" or "Chronological". "Last Edited" will sort worklogs in History by the date of the latest change, and "Chronological" will sort worklogs by their date, time-frame and duration values.


  • Rare UI glitches (duplicated cards, content shrinking) on Start and Stop Tracking were fixed.

  • Solid background was added to the Application Welcome screen.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.12 - 2021-03-11


Apps now can be minimized while actively tracking. While minimized, the App will always be visible and stay above other windows to help user easily keep track of progress. 


  • Windows: Design for window title bar was updated to match the overall look of the application.

  • It is now possible to adjust "Duration" and "From/To" fields with your mouse-wheel in "Add/Edit" forms.


  • "Total Today" value now updates correctly after a worklog is deleted.

NOTE: Mac App only: "Stop tracking on PC lock" setting was temporary removed due to unpredictable behavior.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.11 - 2021-03-04


  • When starting a new track of time/worklog, "Active track" card will now appear in the list with  animation. 

  • "Tracking switch" confirmation popup was added to all "Start tracking" buttons.

  • Organizations inside "Organization selector" were indented properly to match the "tree" view.

  • "Duration" value inside expanded card view was properly placed to match the "Duration" input placement inside "Add/Edit" form.


  • Fixed disappearance of selected frame on the selected card in the Worklog's History, if the card was selected immediately after adding a worklog.

  • Disabled the ability to click on a card inside "Delete worklog" confirmation popup.

  • Fixed issue where Activity Types list wasn't changed to the correct activity type after switching between organizations inside the App.

  • Mac: Fixed rare issue that was occurring where in-app notifications were causing App to crash.

7pace Timetracker for Mac & Windows 1.10 - 2021-02-25


User is now able to delete worklog from selected card in the Worklog History.


  • Settings: Hotkeys: "Reset to defaults" button was added for user to be able to reset Hotkeys to default values. Improved hotkey controls and behavior by visually highlighting the ability to change hotkeys and preventing user from leaving the control empty if the user wants to not have a control for a specific hotkey.

  • Visual feedback on adding new worklog to Worklog History was improved with simple animation.

  • Improved application performance, resulting in faster and smoother switching between expanded views for cards in the Worklog History and "Add/Edit Time" forms.

  • Improved styling for tooltips in Worklog History.

  • User can now go back from "Add/Edit Time" form or "Start a new track" form using the "Esc" key.


  • Fixed rare case where required fields were not highlighted properly on the resulting form when clicking "Add Time".

  • Fixed issue where the "Settings" tooltip was displaying when App was opened using hotkeys.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.9 - 2021-02-11


Multi-org support. Desktop App now can work with multiple DevOps organizations. User can easily manage paired organizations with a new organizations selector menu right next to app "Settings".


  • Improved countdown appearance for passive confirmation pop-ups (e.g. pop-up for switching active tracks).


  • Fixed bug with incorrect displaying worklog data after PC goes out of sleep mode.

  • Fixed connection error that would display in rare cases when PC returns from sleep mode.

  • Fixed issue that was occurring in rare cases where adding a worklog within the app was not reflecting anywhere in Timetracker UI​.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.8 - 2021-02-04


  • App "blink" icon: App now signals the user when an activity check occurs by blinking (on Windows) or bouncing (on Mac) App icon.

  • Authorize Again: Added "Authorize Again" page with useful info, which appears when authorization error occurs on the 7pace DevOps extension server.

  • Improved switching between worklogs: When a user clicks "Start Tracking" on a card in the Worklog History section of the app while currently tracking, a pop-up now displays with the option to "undo", if starting another tracking session was not intended.

  • Hotkeys: Added customizable global hotkeys that are configurable within the app Settings section.

  • Worklog History Auto-scroll: Added auto-scroll to the top of the Worklog History section of the app when a user starts new track or adds/edits time in Worklog History.


  • Activity Type Required: Fixed bug that was preventing users from starting a new track if the Activity Types feature was disabled in the 7pace Timetracker extension Settings -> Activity Types.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.7 - 2021-01-28


  • Added link to DevOps  web extension Monthly page at the bottom part of the Worklog History (scroll to bottom of Worklog History and there will be a link: "Open 7pace Timetracker on the web for more worklogs").

  • Added tooltip text for comment icon on worklog with comment in the Worklog History.

  • "Stop tracking when computer is locked" was added to app Settings. Enabling it will stop tracking when user locks screen or сomputer goes into sleep mode.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.6 - 2021-01-22


  • "Always on top" setting was added to application Settings within the app. Enabling it will render main application window always on top - above all other opened windows.


  • Fixed incorrect display of Activity Type colors in Cards on Worklogs History and Activity Type selector.

  • Fixed rare "no such file" error that occurred during application update.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.5 - 2021-01-14


  • Settings section was added to the app. Here, users can configure different client-related settings, view app information, etc.

  • About section was added to settings. It contains information about the app: name, installed version, etc.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.4 - 2021-01-07


  • Improved Worklog History update logic and indication. Improved overall application performance. 


  • Fixed incorrect [Not Set] Activity Type name display on adding new worklog.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.3 - 2020-12-31


  • A user can now add and duplicate worklogs without delay and see the result instantly.

  • A user can now can edit worklogs without delay and see the result instantly.

  • Improved overall application performance and stability; small UI adjustments.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.2 - 2020-12-24


  • User can now open current tracking view by clicking on right part of top bar. Also, top bar content alignment was fixed on MacOS.

  • Added context menu on right click inputs with copy/cut/paste commands. Also fixed unusual resizing of application on different screen/resolutions/dpi.

  • Improved Client reconnection logic on network lost, server down-time, etc.

  • Activity Check notification is showing above full screen applications on MacOS now.

  • Improved text in tooltip for Start Tracking button in main view.

  • Improved application logic for saving worklogs on stop tracking.

  • Improved overall application stability.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.1 - 2020-12-17


  • Start Tracking form: Work Items search suggestions are now pre-loaded to make it faster to start tracking on common Work Items.

  • Added Activity Check confirmation, if client is opened during running activity check.

  • Add ability to select and copy text in notifications.

  • Images optimized for all display resolutions.


  • Resetting Mac App page to default on start and stop tracking is fixed.

  • Fixed issue where application crashed during pairing process if user has lost DevOps authorization in 7pace Timetracker extension.

7pace Timetracker for Mac 1.0 - 2020-12-10


Brand new 7pace Timetracker for Mac App is now available for download from the “Apps” page of 7pace Timetracker (cloud only).

For more information, see our blog post or documentation.