Filters allow you (and other users) to narrow the list of Boxes or further filter the collection of tasks in the scope of a Box. Filters are cumulative - only the tasks/Boxes that meet all conditions are displayed.
Available module filters:
The Quick filters, the Search Box, and the Date range filter are displayed on the header:
Active filters
Once you activate filters, the App remembers them and maintains them even when you switch the view or go to a different module.
Filters are applied per module
When you activate a filter, it applies only to the module you are currently in.
If needed, you can apply a current filter to all modules. This will override any filters that were active in other modules.
Filters are applied per user
Filters are active per user - when you activate the filters other users are not affected. Only your view is changed.
Clearing filters
An orange dot indicates that filters are presently active. Click on the dot to clear the filters.
Hide parent tasks in results
Use this option to see only items that match the search terms. Parent tasks that normally would be greyed out are hidden. Tasks are displayed as a flat structure.
Structure-changing functionalities (move up, move down, indent, outdent, drag-and-drop) are unavailable when filtering is active with the "Hide parent tasks in results" checkbox selected.