JQL functions and keywords reference

This page lists JQL functions and keywords for JQL Search Extensions for Jira Cloud. For details on using functions with Jira Data Center see the Server/Data Center documentation.


Issue hierarchy

Powerful generic functions that support standard Jira hierarchy and Advanced Roadmaps

  • ParentsOfIssuesInQuery()

  • ParentsOfIssuesInQueryRecursive()

  • ChildrenOfIssuesInQuery()

  • ChildrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive()

Epics and initiatives

  • EpicsOfChildrenInQuery()

  • ChildrenOfEpicsInQuery()

  • issuesInEpicCount

  • bugsInEpicCount

  • storiesInEpicCount

  • issuesInEpicToDoCount

  • issuesInEpicInProgressCount

  • issuesInEpicDoneCount

  • bugsInEpicToDoCount

  • bugsInEpicInProgressCount

  • bugsInEpicDoneCount

  • storiesInEpicToDoCount

  • storiesInEpicInProgressCount

  • storiesInEpicDoneCount

Text matches

  • ExactTextMatch()

  • ExactTextMatchCaseInsensitive()

  • WildcardMatch()

  • Regex()

Agile sprints

  • NextSprint()

  • PreviousSprint()

  • AddedToSprintAfterStart()


  • AttachmentContent

  • AttachmentsCount

  • AttachedByUser

  • AttachedOnDate

  • AttachmentExtension

  • AttachmentName


  • ParentsOfSubtasksInQuery()

  • ParentSummary

  • ParentPriority

  • ParentIssueType

  • ParentStatus

  • ParentStatusCategory

Issues with subtasks

  • SubtasksOfParentsInQuery()

  • SubtasksCount

  • SubtaskSummary

  • SubtaskKey

  • SubtaskPriority

  • SubtaskIssueType

  • SubtaskStatus

  • SubtaskStatusCategory


  • CommentsCount

  • CommentedByUser

  • CommentLastCreatedBy

  • CommentLastCreatedOnDate

  • CommentLastUpdatedBy

  • CommentLastUpdatedOnDate

  • CommentedOnDate

  • CommentUpdatedOnDate


  • AffectedVersionsArchived

  • AffectedVersionsReleased

  • AffectedVersionsOpened

  • AffectedVersionsCount

  • AffectedVersionReleaseDate

  • FixVersionsArchived

  • FixVersionsReleased

  • FixVersionsOpened

  • FixVersionsCount

  • FixVersionReleaseDate


  • LinkedIssuesOfQuery()

  • LinksCount

  • LinkedBy

  • LinksIssue

  • LinkType

  • LinkedIssueStatus

  • LinkedIssueStatusCategory

  • LinkedIssueType

  • LinkedIssuePriority

  • LinksIssuesCount

  • LinkedByIssuesCount

  • LinkedByIssueProject

  • LinksIssueProject

Web links

Formerly called remote links

  • RemoteLinkUrl

  • RemoteLinkUrlPartialMatch

  • RemoteLinkApplicationName

  • RemoteLinkApplicationType

  • RemoteLinkHost

  • RemoteLinkQuery

  • RemoteLinkPath

  • RemoteLinkTitle

  • RemoteLinkTitlePartialMatch

  • RemoteLinkRelationship

  • RemoteLinksCount

Issue updates

  • UpdatedByUsersCount

  • UpdatedBy

  • TransitionedBy

  • LoggedTimeBy

  • UpdatedOnDates

  • LastUpdatedBy

  • MovedProjects

  • MovedProjectsCount

Field values

  • DateCompare()

  • DateCompareIgnoreTime()

  • HasSameUpdatedAndCreatedDate

  • HasSameAssigneeAndReporter

  • HasSameVersions

Standard JQL

Resources for using standard JQL functions in Jira Cloud