Issue hierarchy

Issue hierarchy

Swanly allows you to view and manage epics, stories, and tasks at their hierarchical level. Issue hierarchy is available on the roadmap and list view.

How to visualize issue hierarchy on the roadmap

On the roadmap, you can set up a hierarchy with three different levels - Epic, Standard Issue, or Subtask.

  1. Go to Apps > Swanly roadmaps > Issue view.

  2. Switch to Roadmap view.

  3. Click Hierarchy in the navigation bar.

  4. Choose the necessary hierarchy level in the drop-down.

  5. Click on the left part of the swimlane to expand child issues.

  6. Click again to hide child issues.

If you want to hide done child issues from the view, use the toggle in the hierarchy control section.

How to see issue hierarchy in the list view

  1. Switch to the List view.

  2. Click Hierarchy top level in the navigation bar.

  3. Choose the necessary level in the drop-down.

  4. Click the expand arrow next to the parent issue key to see child issues

  5. Click again to hide child issues.