This page provides information about an individual release of the Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI) family of add-ons.
More release notes for additional versions of this product are available on the Release Notes page.
Slide Shows
We have released a number of educational slide shows covering different topics for the Atlassian CLI.
Atlassian CLI Slide Shows
Release Highlights
Also available as a Docker image
- Atlassian CLI on Docker Hub
- Documentation: Docker Images for ACLI
Special Compatibility Notice for Version 9.x
If you are upgrading from 8.x, note that there were some significant changes in 9.0 that will impact your configuration and usage.
The Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI) supports a large range of product releases. The matrix below provides compatibility guidelines based on testing, API compatibility information provided by Atlassian, and community feedback. User's are encourage to help improve compatibility information through discussions and issues. The CLI also works with releases not officially listed here since in many cases it uses remote APIs provided by Atlassian that have been stable for many years. Check previous versions of the CLI for coverage of earlier releases. Users should verify their usage scenarios on new releases. Support normally is limited to minimum releases indicated. Client requires at least Java 8 (1.8) and we test with both Java 8 and 11. In some cases, new actions are only available on later versions of the server - these are often noted in the documentation or in error messages.
To simplify the matrix, we no longer list much older releases even though there is some level of compatibility for these as well. Refer to earlier compatibility notes for information on older releases.
See also Compatibility for overall information on supported Atlassian releases.
CLI Clients and Connectors
- 9.7 clients require connectors at version 9.4 or higher.
- Cloud users usually need to update their clients regularly to address incompatibilities introduced by Atlassian with their daily Cloud updates. We deliver EAP releases to immediately cover any problems.
Jira Service Desk releases compatible with corresponding Jira releases.
3rd-party apps - like Tempo for instance: We don't explicitly list application versions, but normally test against a recent release of the app that is compatible with the platform it runs on.
Data Center is normally tested on the supported enterprise release designated by Atlassian.
Script Compatibility Warnings for 9.3 and higher
- JSON output changes - ACLI-1438 and ACLI-1453
- getIssue action - new project name field added to all output formats - see ACLI-1215
- findReplace parameter - no longer supports comma separated values - see ACLI-917
Run CLI Apps
Apps install and run on an Atlassian application server.
Atlassian App Compatibility
The Atlassian CLI supports a number of different Atlassian apps like Jira Software, Service Desk, and Confluence Questions. We only test and support the most current maintenance release of the apps available for the respective Atlassian application.
Atlassian Incompatibilities
The CLI clients always try to maintain upward compatibility between releases. However, in some cases this is not possible. Occasionally server differences may cause some compatibility issues.