Flow Board 2.0
We’ve add a bunch of new, highly requested features to Flow Board with the release of 2.0! These release notes contain usage tips with screenshots and GIFs. Oh my!
Marketplace Version 2.0.2
New Features
Add due date and time to cards
Lots of formatting options for Description and Comments including custom URLs and checklists
Delete card comments - your own and admins can delete anyone's
User assignment based notifications
Board read/write permissions
Export cards to JSON format
Share card link - export URL to the card for copy/pasting elsewhere
Choose board color
Refresh/sync board
UI Improvements
Made it harder to delete a card or list
Fixed an issue where when editing the Description immediately after commenting on card was deleting the Description upon Save
Due Dates and Time
Yay! Due dates and time!! We're excited to bring you this highly requested feature.
Add due date and time
Remove due date and time
Ability to mark the due date as Complete - click the checkbox
Indicators for when the date/time is:
Due Soon: < 24 hours from [now]
Overdue: due date/time is in the past
Complete: checkbox has been checked
Indicators display in the card and on the board
Does not include date/time based notifications for this release but is on our roadmap
Add Due Date and Time
Remove Due Date
Click the X > the X turns red > click the now red X again to delete or navigate away to cancel the deletion
Formatting Options
We implemented the Quill Rich Text Editor which allows you to heavily customize your content with rich text including adding checklists, links, images, and videos. This applies to the card's Description and Comments. Visually inclined people rejoice!
Add a checklist to the card's Description. Since this uses the Rich Text Editor you must be in Edit mode to check off an item. Currently you're unable to edit Comments so you wouldn't be able to update a checklist there. Bummer to hear? Vote for the feature request here: https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/FB-58 Votes weigh heavily in our backlog prioritization.
Delete a Card or List
Previously users needed to click the X only once and it would delete the card or list. We've all clicked in the wrong spot - whether on Flow Board or elsewhere. Accidental misaligned clicking happens. To make things worse, we didn't provide any way for you to rectify your accidental deletion! We promise we're not sadists. Just human beings trying to balance everything.
We've now put in a second click to give you the opportunity to bail out.
Click the X > the X turns red > click the now red X again to delete or navigate away to cancel the deletion
See Flow Board 2.1 for how to unarchive deleted Cards and Lists
Delete Card Comments
We've all been there...put a comment out on the interwebs then promptly realized a mistake. Whether it be a typo, an unfortunate auto correct situation, or perhaps an irrational moment that you're now reflecting on as your words glare at you...and you swear you hear an evil laugh. Oh how you wish you could just delete that comment. Well, we've got your back.
You can now delete your own comments and admins can delete anyone's comments. Whew!
You must double click to delete. Click the trash can, then click the red X to delete. You know, because accidental misaligned clicking happens.
Admin Console
We've implemented a few admin level features - security over who can edit a board, notifications settings for when a user is assigned to / unassigned from a card, and exporting a board to JSON format. As such there's a new admin console in the Confluence administration.
Configuration Tab
Settings (gear icon in upper right corner) > General Configuration > Flow Board > Configuration or http://<your server base url>/plugins/servlet/flowboard/admin/config
Notification Events | What users are notified about |
Notification Channels | How users are notified - via Confluence Workbox and/or email |
Permissions | Whether users must have read and/or write permissions for the page the board is on in order to edit the board. See Board Read/Write Permissions section below for more info |
User Assignment Based Notifications
Users can be notified via Confluence and/or email when they are assigned to and/or unassigned from a card. Both these notification events and notification channels are controlled via the Admin Console. We recommend enabling this and then allow users to manage their own notifications.
Board Read/Write Permissions
You might be asking yourself... "What's the point of the 'read' permission since users without page read permission can't even see the page with the board on it anyway?" The "Require that users have page read permissions to read board data" permission is all about board data access using the underlying data API used to render boards to a page. Users without the read permission for the page with the board on it could still access the board data via the API even though they can't see the page/board. When the "Require that users have page read permissions to read board data" box is checked, those users without read permission cannot access that page's board data via the API.
Boards Tab
Settings (gear icon in upper right corner) > General Configuration > Flow Board > Boards or http://<your server base url>/plugins/servlet/flowboard/admin/boards
Export Boards to JSON Format
Settings (gear icon in upper right corner) > General Configuration > Flow Board > Boards or http://<your server base url>/plugins/servlet/flowboard/admin/boards
Share Card Links
Have you ever wanted to send someone a link to an open card so that they can see the card details without hunting for it on your board? Now you can get a link that will do this using the share button in the card detail dialog. When navigating to that link in a new browser tab, the card will automatically open after the board loads.
Choose Board Color
In page edit mode, click on the Flow Board macro and select your preferred color from the Theme dropdown.
Refresh / Sync Board
Say you have your Flow Board page open and a colleague says they updated a card but you don't see it. Click the refresh button and voila! This is also handy for when you personally have the Flow Board open on two different browser tabs and update it on one then later find yourself saying "I swear I updated it" without realizing you're on another tab. Not that this has ever happened to us or anything. Being in sync is good. Now if we could just figure out how to sync all other "tabs" in life this easily...
Jira Issues
included in v2.0.2