The Response Time Calculators determine the 'response' and 'no response' time.
The First Response Time Calculator determines the time passed until the first public comment, wheres the No Response Time Calculator determines the 'no response time' and displays data for issues that still do not have any response yet.
To define the Response Time Calculators
- Navigate to Jira Admin > Manage Apps > Enhancer Plugin For Jira Menu > Custom Fields (JEP).
- Click on the button.
- Click on the Duration tab on the left-hand side of the dialogue.
- Select First Response Time Calculator or No Response Time Calculator, then click Add custom field.
| 2. No Response Time Calculator |
| 2. No Response Time Calculator |
- Name the field.
- If Only public comments are enabled, it will calculate the time until the first public comment which can be seen by all users (and isn't restricted to specific users or groups).
- If Except reporter is enabled, it will omit the comments from the reporter otherwise the response time will be calculated from the creation date until the first comment is made (no matter who commented).
- You can select any working calendar in order to calculate the time against the working hours.
- Time formatter display options (both for the issue main view and navigator view) can be configured easily.
- The Use Separator allows you to define your own separator for the time formatter display. You can also choose to not have a separator.
- And click the Save Custom Field button. That's it.
- The Response and No Response Time Calculators have similar configuration dialogs.
- You can always configure or delete the custom field by simply clicking on the cog icon on the right-hand side.
Below is an example snapshot of the Response Time Calculator.
Below is an example snapshot of the No Response Time Calculator.
Searching against these fields is simple. Use the custom fields in JQL as below.
You can add a new context to the custom field by simply clicking on the Configure context link within the cog icon and clicking Add new context.
Then you can configure additional context by clicking Configure button then clicking the context tab.