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There are two helper routines available to ease your work with persistent variables. These routines allow you to set or retrieve the value of a persistent variable from a script that is not in the context of the issue or just to retrieve a global variable:
setPersistentVar(Power Suite Apps for Jira)—
Sets the persistent var, as a string
getPersistentVar(Power Suite Apps for Jira)—
Gets the persistent var, as a string
Values are treated as strings. For the above example:
string globalCounterVar = getPersistentVar("counter");
number test_one_counter = getPersistentVar("TEST-1", "counter"); //notice the implicit cast! values are treated like strings, though!
Although useful, persistent variables come with a small performance penalty. Don't overuse them!
There's no way to delete a persistent var (other than direct SQL) at the moment. Think hard if you really need them.