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Workflow Read Confirmation

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Workflow read confirmation

Read confirmation can be added to the final state in the workflow.

The default configuration for the workflow is the addition of a read confirmation request to the final state. This occurs on the transition to the final state resulting from a reviewer's Approve decision.

The read confirmation status icon and footer breadcrumbs will be displayed on the page in the workflow final state.

Allowing reviewers to add a read confirmation

Read confirmation configuration can be changed in the workflow builder to allow the reviewer to choose whether a read confirmation will be requested for an Approve decision transition to the final state.

The Request read confirmation option is added to the workflow popup in the final review state.

In the final state, choose the read confirmation status icon displayed in the header navigation to open the read confirmation popup.

  • any assigned readers and the status of their read confirmation will be displayed in the popup.
  • readers can be assigned or removed using the popup.
  • due date for the read confirmation can be changed in the popup (if allowed by the workflow read confirmation configuration).

Disable/enable read confirmation in a workflow

By default, read confirmation is enabled in a workflow.

Edit the workflow using workflow builder to disable or re-enable read confirmation.

Adding readers using the workflow

One or more users and/or groups of users can be assigned a read confirmation. These readers can be added to the workflow using workflow builder or the markup editor. These readers are automatically assigned by the workflow on transition to the read confirmation final state.

Final review state

By default, read confirmations are assigned every time the workflow enters the final state.

By default, the workflow read confirmation is configured to allow the option in the final review state workflow popup for a reviewer to decide if read confirmation should be assigned on transition to the final (or published) state.

Readers can be added using the read confirmation popup in the final state.

If a previously published page is updated at any point, any reader read confirmations will reset once the page re-enters the final/published state in the workflow after an Approve decision. The reset will not occur if the Request read confirmation option is available and unticked by the reviewer.

Working with read confirmations

See the following to learn more

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