How was this done?
This demonstration can be run from any site with the appropriate plugins installed. You will need a profile configured for the Run CLI Actions in Confluence to access this site. Or substitute in some other macro or content that takes a few seconds to render.
As shown, the following plugins are used:
- Cache for Confluence - Future macro and Cache Macro (requires version 6.0 or higher)
- Advanced Tables for Confluence - CSV Macro
- Run CLI Actions in Confluence - CLI Macro
Wiki markup
{future:remote content} {cache:refresh=5m|showDate=true} {csv:macros=true|columns=1,2,8} {cli:profile=confluence-bobswift|panel=false} -a getPageList --space cache --outputFormat 3 --quiet --dateFormat "yyyy-mm-dd" {cli} {csv} {cache} {future}