One or more conditions can be set to trigger a named event in the workflow.When the named workflow event occurs, the trigger checks that any required condition is met and sets one or more actions.
A condition must be met for the trigger to perform the specified action(s). Available conditions are
"state": "(string value)"
"final":(boolean true/false)
"initial": (boolean true/false)
If "final" condition is added together with another condition to an event, the condition is evaluated as an OR function.
The "initial" condition can be constrained to a named state in the workflow using the "state" condition.
Boolean condition values true and false are added WITHOUT encompassing quotation marks, for example, "final":true or "final":false
One or more workflow triggers can be added to a workflow using the visual editor or the code editor.
Triggers are created in JSON code.
{"event": "on-change-state",
{"state": "Rejected"} ],
{"action":"set-message", "type":"info", "title":"Hey My Wonderful design and Tech Team", "body":"We have some work to do ... it was rejected!!!"}
If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder visual builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.