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Table of Contents

Arithmetic, Logical and Comparison Operators

Here is a list of the available operators in a SIL SIL™ program and detailed usage information.


For each operator and LHS type, we define two lists: valid types and convertible types. The list of convertible types is based on Type Conversionconversion. This creates three cases:





Explanations and Usage

?:boolean, <type>, <type><type>
Code Block
<condition> ? <ifTrueValue> : <ifFalseValue>

If <condition> is true, returns <ifTrueValue>, otherwise returns <ifFalseValue>.

Note that <ifTrueValue> and <ifFalseValue> must have same type.


The Indexing Operator


The indexing operator can also be used with certain simple types (not arrays) and a specific value to provide additional functionality.

SIL SIL™ typeIndex ValueGetGet Return TypeSet
stringa numberGets the character at the specified index in the stringstringInserts a character at the specified index. If given a longer string, it will insert the first character of the string.
date"DAY"Gets the day of month from the datenumberUnsupported
"MONTH"Gets the month from the datenumberUnsupported
"YEAR"Gets the year from the datenumberUnsupported
"HOUR"Gets the hour (0-23) from the datenumberUnsupported
"MINUTE"Gets the minute (0-59) from the datenumberUnsupported
"SECOND"Gets the seconds (0-59) from the datenumberUnsupported
"MILLISECOND"Gets the milliseconds (0-999) from the datenumberUnsupported
"WEEK"Gets the week number within the current yearnumberUnsupported
"WEEKINMONTH"Gets the week number within the current monthnumberUnsupported
"TOMILLIS"Gets the current time as UTC milliseconds from the epoch.numberUnsupported
"DAYOFWEEK"Gets the three letter format for the day of the week (e.g. "Mon", "Tue", "Wed" etc)stringUnsupported
"MONTHNAME"Gets the three letter format for the name of the month (e.g. "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc.)stringUnsupported
interval"WEEK"Gets the number of whole weeks inside the interval (e.g. interval i = "1w 14d"; i["WEEK"] will return 3)numberUnsupported
"DAY"Gets the number of whole days inside the interval (e.g. interval i = "1d 48h"; i["DAY"] will return 3)numberUnsupported

Gets the number of whole hours inside the interval (e.g. interval i = "1h 120m"; i["HOUR"] will return 3)

"MINUTE"Gets the number of whole miuntes inside the interval (e.g. interval i = "1m 120s"; i["MINUTE"] will return 3)numberUnsupported
"SECOND"Gets the number of seconds inside the interval (e.g. interval i = "1h 1m 3s"; i["SECOND"] will return 3)numberUnsupported
"TOMILLIS"Gets the number of milliseconds inside the intervalnumberUnsupported


See also