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Recipe overview

This recipe provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Update On Transition for JIRA add-on during a workflow transition to automatically add a comment to a linked issue. This automation is particularly helpful when one issue is blocking another and you want to ensure the Assignee of the blocked issue is aware that notified when the impediment has been resolved.

You will need JIRA Administrator permissions to your JIRA instance in order to complete this recipe.

(info) It will take you approximately 12-13 11 minutes to complete this recipe.

Recipe level

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  • N/AYou will need JIRA Administrator permissions to your JIRA instance in order to complete this recipe.


The value specified in this parameter must match the string being checked in the to indicate that the issue(s) being updated are based on what is returned by the JQL query specified in the JQL Query parameter.
  • Description defines the value to be set as the Description of the new Story being created.
  • Issue Type indicates that the new issue being created will have an Issue Type of Story.
  • Set custom field indicates that the new Story being created should have an Epic Link back to the original issue (the Epic). Note that the field name (Epic Link, in this case) is case sensitive.
  • JQL Query looks for any issue linked to the same Epic with a Summary whose value matches the Summary parameter. This query should return 0 records if the Story has not yet been created, and is used to prevent duplicate Stories from being created for the same EpicJQL Query: Thisindicates how to identify the issues to act upon. In this example, it is looking for issues that the issue currently being transitioned to Done is blocking. In other words, the current issue has a "blocks" link defined to those other issues.
  • Comment: This indicates the comment to add to those other issues that will be updated.

  • Table plus
    columnAttributesstyle="border:0;width=5%;",style="border:0;width=65%;",style="border:0;width=30%;max-width=30% !important;"
    To Do step's Transition: Done screen, before any changes:

    Configure the post function, part 1

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow TransitionImage Added

    Create a JIRA project to use with this recipe


     Estimated Time: 2 min

    In this step, you are going to create a project you will use when creating a standard Story for an Epic. To do this, log on to your JIRA instance as a JIRA Administrator and do the following:

    1. From the Projects menu, choose Create Project.
    2. In the Select Project Type screen, select Simple Issue Tracking and click Next.
    3. The second screen shows the Issue Types that will be used (Task and Sub-task). Click Select.
    4. The third screen prompts you to supply a Name and Key for your new JIRA project.
      1. Use Recipe Update On Transition as the Name.
      2. Use RUOT as the Key.
      3. Click Submit to create the project, with you set as its Project Lead.
    5. If you click Create and choose Recipe Update On Transition as the Project and Task as the Issue Type, you will see a Create Issue screen like the one shown to the right. Only 3 fields (Project, Issue Type, and Summary) are required, as indicated by the red asterisk next to their field labels. There are 2 optional fields: Priority and Description.

    In the next step, you'll create 2 sample issues, so leave the Create Issue screen open.

    Create Issue screen:

    titleView all screens for the Create Project wizard...

    First screen:

    Second screen:

    Third screen:

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow TransitionImage Added

    Create 2 sample issues


    Estimated Time: 1 min

    In this step, you will create 2 sample issues that will be used to test the workflow transition you'll be adding in a later step.

    1. On the Create Issue screen, fill in the fields as shown in the first table on the right and then click Create. Take note of the issue key that was created.
    2. Click Create again. Then, flll in the fields as shown in the second table on the right and click Create. Take note of the issue key that was created.
    3. Go to the first issue you created. and do the following:
      1. From the More menu, choose Link.
      2. Fill in the fields as shown in the screenshot to the right. (Your issue keys might be different, but you should be viewing the first issue while creating a "blocks" link from it to the second issue.)
      3. Click Link to save this link. You should now see the link showing in the "Issue Links" section of the View Issue screen.

    Fields for creating the first issue:

    ProjectUpdate On Transition (RUOT)
    Issue TypeTask
    SummaryThis issue blocks another

    Fields for creating the second issue:

    ProjectUpdate On Transition (RUOT)
    Issue TypeTask
    SummaryThis issue is blocked by another

    Link screen, to link the first issue to the second issue:

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow TransitionImage Added

    Create a draft workflow


    Estimated Time: 1 min

    In this step, you will edit the workflow used by the Recipe Update On Transition project so you can begin the process of adding the Update Transition post function that will create a comment on the linked issue.

    1. From the Cog menu ( Image RemovedImage Added) , choose Projects.
    2. Click the Recipe Update On Transition link to display the Project Summary page which shows how the project is configured.
    3. In the Workflows section of the page, click the pencil icon (Image RemovedImage Added) next to the RUOT: Simple Issue Tracking Workflow link to edit that workflow.
    4. Click the Image Removed the Text button so that the workflow is shown in Text mode rather than Diagram mode.
    5. There are 2 transitions named "Done": one is in the To Do step and the other is in the In Progress step. In the next step, you will be adding a new post function to both of these transitions,.


    RUSTRUOT: Simple Issue Tracking Workflow screen:

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow TransitionImage Added

    Add a post function on the Done transitions


     Estimated Time: 1 3 min 

    In this step, you will add a post function on the two Done transitions.

    From the RUOT: Simple Issue Tracking Workflow screen, click do the following steps twice:

    • once for the Done transition under the To Do step, and
    then do the following:
    • again for the Done transition under the In Progress step.
    1. Click the Post Functions tab to display the post functions. Your screen should look like the first screenshot shown to the right.
    2. Click the Add post function link to display the Add Post Function To Transition screen.
    3. Select Update issues and then click Add.Click the Update issues link to display the Add Post Function To Transition screen.Select Create issue and then click Add. The Add Parameters To Function screen will be displayed.




    Image Removed Estimated Time: 3-4 min 

    In this step, you will configure the post function you just added to the Create transition so that a standard Story will be created each type a user creates an Epic.

    From the Add Parameters To Function screen, do the following:

    Image Removed


    Add Post Function To Transition screen:

    Image Removed

    Post Function parameters:

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow Transition
    1. Set the parameters as shown to the right.
    2. Condition 1 indicates that the post function should only be executed when the issue being created has an Issue Type = Epic.
    3. Condition 2indicates that the post function should only be executed when the JQL Query (set in another parameter) returns no results. This is a safety precaution to prevent duplicate issues being inadvertently created. :
      1. Issues to Update:  This uses the %jql_result_count% is a list% substitution variable

        Summary defines the value to be set as the Summary of the new Story being created.


    No other parameters need to be changed. JIRA will ignore any field that does not appear on the transition screen for the Done transition.

  • Click Add to save your changes to the parameters and add the Create Issue Update Issues post function.
  • Select Create issue and then click Add. The Add Parameters To Function screen will be displayed. You will be returned to the Transition: Create screen.
  • Your screen should now look like the screenshot shown to the right.



    Be sure to add this post function to both "Done" transitions!




    Add Post Function parametersTo Transition screen:

    Condition 1
    Image Removed
    Condition 2Image Removed
    Summary Image Removed
    Description Image Removed
    Issue Type
    Image Removed
    Set custom field
    Image Removed
    JQL QueryImage Removed
    Transition: Create screen, after adding the Create Issue post function:


    Image Removed

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow TransitionConfigure the post function, part 2

    Image Added

    Post Function parameters:

    Issues to Update%jql_result_list%
    JQL Queryissue in linkedIssues(%original_key%, "blocks") AND status = "To Do"
    CommentThe issue which had blocked this one (%original_key%) is now unblocked so work on this issue can now proceed.

    titleView Transition: Done screen, before and after adding post function...

    To Do step's Transition: Done screen, before any changes:Image Added

    To Do step's Transition: Done screen, after adding post function:

    Image Added

    Image Added

    Publish the draft workflow


     Estimated Time: 1 min 

    In this step, you will move the new Create Issue post function so it is executed after the Epic issue is created and then you will publish the draft workflow so you can test it.

    From the Transition: Create Done screen, do the following:

    1. Repeatedly click the Down Arrow icon (Image Removed) next to the Create Issue post function until the post function is below the "Creates the issue originally" post function. This ensure the Epic is created before the Create Issue post function is executed.
    2. Your screen should now look like the screenshot shown to the right.
    3. Publish your draft workflow by clicking the Publish Click the Publish Draft button at the top of the screen to publish your draft workflow. The Publish Draft Workflow screen will appear.
    4. When prompted whether to save a backup copy, click Yes and then click Publish.


    Transition: Create screen, after moving the Create Issue post function:

    Image Removed



    ExpandtitleView the

    Publish Draft Workflow screen


    Image Removed 

    How to Add a Comment to a Linked Issue During a Workflow Transition


    Image Added

    Image Added

    Test the post function


     Estimated Time: 3 min 

    In this step, you will verify the post function is working as intended.

    1. Click the Create button to create a new issue. The Create Issue screen will appear.
    2. Fill in the fields as shown on the right and click Create. A popup window similar to the one shown on the right will appear to confirm the issue was created.
    3. Click the link in that popup to open the Epic you just created.
    4. You should see a screen similar to the first screenshot shown on the right, with the "Issues in Epic" section showing the standard Story that was automatically created.
    5. Click the link to the new Story and you should see a screen similar to the last screenshot shown on the right. This new Story shows an Epic Link to the Epic that was manually createdOpen the first sample issue you created. It is the one with the Summary indicating "This issue blocks another."
    6. Test the To Do → Done transition:
      1. Click the Done workflow button to execute the To Do → Done transition.
      2. Accept the default values on the transition screen that appears and click Done.
      3. The first sample issue should now appear in a Done status.
      4. In the Issue Links section of the screen, click the link to the second sample issue that has the Summary indicating "This issue is blocked by another" to open it.
      5. The second sample issue should now have a comment added that matches what you specified in the post function in Step 3.
    7. Test the In Progress → Done transition:
      1. Go back to the first sample issue you created. It is the one with the Summary indicating "This issue blocks another."
      2. Click the Reopen and start progress workflow button to reopen the first sample issue and move it to the In Progress status.
      3. Next, click the Done workflow button to execute the In Progress → Done transition.
      4. The first sample issue should again appear in a Done status.
      5. In the Issue Links section of the screen, click the link to the second sample issue that has the Summary indicating "This issue is blocked by another" to open it.
      6. The second sample issue should now have a second comment added that matches what you specified in the post function in Step 3.

    That's it! By adding a post function to create this standard Story automaticallyadd a comment to each linked issue when the issue blocking it has been resolved, you can be assured that every Epic will have such a story and your team will spend less time creating issuesthe Assignee of those other issues is notified immediately that work can now proceed. This improves communication and saves time!


    titleBest Practice

    If your post function is malfunctioning in any way, enable additional DEBUG logging as described here so that the Create Update On Transition add-ons on writes additional information to the JIRA log file. This information will help you understand the cause of the problem and how to resolve it.

    You may also want to read our tips on the Create Update On Transition add-on.

    Create Issue fieldsFirst sample issue, after being transitioned to Done:

    ProjectRecipe Scrum (RS)
    Issue TypeEpic
    Epic NameTest Epic
    SummaryTest Epic Summary

    Confirmation popup window:

    Image Removed

    Epic that was created manually:

    Image Removed

    Story that was created automatically:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Second sample issue, after the first sample issue is transitioned to Done (from the To Do status):

    Image Added

    Second sample issue, after the first sample issue is transitioned to Done (from the In Progress status):

    Image Added

    Include Page