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The Excel macro displays one or more Excel worksheets on a Confluence page. The following features are included:


Supports many Excel formats:

  • xls format from Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 workbooks

  • xlsx format from Excel 2007 and later (available starting with Release 5.0)


Flexible location of the Excel file

  • Attachment
  • URL
  • File system of Confluence server



  • Convert your Excel spreadsheets into tables
  • Access data from Excel files from attachments on any Confluence page, URLs or pre-configured profiles
  • Download Excel table data as a CSV file
  • Display and format one or more worksheets in your Excel files
  • Format any of the columns, including the hidden ones, with your own styles
  • Work with common table capabilities including sorting, column totals, and row numbering
  • Displays results of most Excel formulas


    If a cell value cannot be calculated due to an unknown formula, the cell displays #N/A in the resulting table. Only cell values with known calculation results are displayed in the table.




This macro can be deployed using one of the following methods:

Selected from the Macro BrowserbrowserExcel
Markup Shortcut{excel}




Table plusnote
rowStylesbackground:#f0f0f0;color:#222;font-size:14px;border-bottom:black 2px solid;border-top:black 2px solid;,
Macro Browser Label
outputhtmlOutput format

Determines how the output is formatted. Use wiki to have the data in the table rendered by the wiki renderer.

pageCurrent pagePage for attachmentSpecifies the page for attachment from the same space or different space.  Since 6.6.0. 
nameLatest Excel file in the Current page

Name of attachment

Allows you to select the name of the attachment from the available list. Since 6.6.0. 
filenameName of attachment in the pathSpecify the name of the attachment in confluence home/script directory. Since 6.6.0. urlURL to Excel fileSpecifies the URL of an Excel file. Use of this parameter may be restricted for security reasons. See your administrator for details.userURL user Username for URL access via basic authentication.passwordURL user password User password for URL access via basic authentication. timeoutURL connection timeoutAllows setting the wait time for URL access for slower connections. Time in milliseconds.encodingFile encodingFile encoding for an external file if different from the system default handling. Since 4.1.0. Example: UTF-8More ...languageLanguage for number and date formatsIf provided, the language and country specification will be used to provide number and date formats to be used for data conversion. This specification will be used before the default languages automatically used. Valid values are 2 character ISO 639-1 alpha-2 codes.countryCountryUsed in combination with the language parameter. Valid values are 2 character ISO 3166 codes.sheetsSheets to import
Parameters removed

Macro specific parameters

Macro Editor LabelDefaultDescriptionMacro Parameter
Output formathtml

Specify how the output is displayed. The options are as follows:

  • html - data is rendered as an HTML table
  • wiki - data is rendered in a table with wiki markup
  • unrenderedWiki - data is rendered as text with wiki markup
Page for attachmentCurrent page

Enter the location where the Excel files are available. The following locations are supported:

  • page - Data is read from an attachment to the page specified here; provided that page is in the same space as the page with the macro.
  • space:page - Data is read from an attachment to the specified page that is in the specified space.
Name of attachmentMost recent Excel file uploaded to the current page

Enter the name of the attachment.

  • If the Page for attachment is empty, the attachment specified here is considered to be on the current page.
  • If this field is left empty and if Profile or URL to Excel file are not specified, the macro renders data from the most recent Excel file that was uploaded to the current page. 


Enter a profile name. Contact your administrator to know which profiles are available for use in your instance.

Administrators set up profiles to connect to external sources to render Excel data across multiple pages so that sensitive information like passwords and access tokens can be secured and hidden from view. A profile usually contains the base URL and other credentials that are required to access a specific location.

Enter the relative path to the actual location of the Excel files in the field, URL to Excel file


To know more about how profiles are configured, refer to this page.

URL to Excel file

Enter the URL of the Excel file(s) to be displayed. If you enter a valid path, the macro accesses the given location and renders the content from the specified Profile and URL.

  • Use a Profile configured with an absolute URL and valid User and Password to access the Excel data from private sources. The macro reads the content from the specified URL in the profile. 
  • Use a Profile configured with an absolute URL to access the Excel data from public sources, or provide the publicly hosted absolute URL in the URL to Excel file field. Authentication is not required to access the Excel data from public sources, and the macro reads the content from the specified URL. 
  • Use a Profile configured with a base URL and valid User and Password. Enter the relative path to the actual location of the Excel file(s) in the field URL to Excel file field. The macro appends the URL given here with the URL specified in the profile configuration to access the location and render the required Excel data.

It is recommended to use Profile and provide the relative path to the actual location of the Excel file(s) in the field, URL to Excel file.

URL connection timeout
Enter time in milliseconds such that URL connections do not timeout before getting data. Use this to increase the access time needed for slow connections. Note that if a zero is given, the connection may wait infinitely.timeout
Sheets to import
Enter a comma separated list of sheet names to be shown in the order specified here. By default, each sheet in the workbook


produces a table.


The parameter value can be a comma


separated list of sheet names (case sensitive) or sheet numbers (1-based counting).


Columns to show


Enter a comma separated list of column numbers


in the order specified here. By default, all non-hidden columns are displayed in its existing order. Columns are enumerated starting at 1. If columns are specified, even hidden columns


are shown.



Rearrangement of columns, that is, column ordering is not supported. (XL-63)


Show hidden sheets, rows, and columnsfalse


Enable this option to show hidden elements of the worksheet.




Show sheet name before the table


falseEnable this option to display the worksheet name before the table.showSheetName
Use cell properties for formatting


falseEnable this option to process each cell for special properties. Currently, supported properties are:
  • html - Alignment, font, and background color.
  • wiki - None at this time for individual cells. For columns,


  •  the Use column information from


Show non-formatted version of the generated wiki


Show non-formatted version of generated wikifalseEnable this option to show a non-formatted version of the wiki table following the formatted table. This is used to help resolve formatting issues. It can also be used to convert Excel to


Confluence markup by cut and paste.










falseEnable this option to allow these special characters (like '|', '[', ']', '{', '}')


 to be escaped so that


the table format remains unaffected. This option works when a wiki output is requested (Output format is wiki) as some special characters in data can cause incorrect table formatting. The default is false so that the data that has wiki markup


can be handled correctly.escape
Include cell hyperlinkstrue

Disable this option to display any hyperlinks in the data as normal text. By default, any hyperlinks in the data are retained as is.



When you provide all the parameters listed in the editor window for the Excel file, the input provided using URL to Excel file takes precedence.



table parameters

Include Page

Compatibility With Other Macros




Image Added

Helpful resources