Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On this page

Table of Contents
excludeOn this page


Table plus
rowStylesbackground:#f0f0f0;color:#222;font-size:14px;border-bottom:black 2px solid;border-top:black 2px solid;,

Macro Browser Label
outputhtmlOutput format

Determines how the output is formatted. Use wiki to have the data in the table rendered by the wiki renderer.

pageCurrent pagePage for attachmentSpecifies the page for attachment from the same space or different space.
nameLatest Excel file in the Current page

Name of attachment

Allows you to select the name of the attachment from the available list.
Name of attachment in the pathSpecify the name of the attachment in confluence home/script directory.
URL to Excel fileSpecifies the URL of an Excel file. Use of this parameter may be restricted for security reasons. See your administrator for details.
URL user Username for URL access via basic authentication.
URL user password User password for URL access via basic authentication. 
URL connection timeoutAllows setting the wait time for URL access for slower connections. Time in milliseconds.
File encodingFile encoding for an external file if different from the system default handling. Example: UTF-8More ...
Language for number and date formatsIf specified, the language and country specification is used to provide number and date formats to be used for data conversion. This specification is used before the default languages automatically used. Valid values are 2 character ISO 639-1 alpha-2 codes.
CountryUsed in combination with the language parameter. Valid values are 2 character ISO 3166 codes.
Sheets to importBy default, each sheet in the workbook produces a table. Use the sheets parameter to control what sheets are to be shown. The parameter value can be a comma-separated list of sheet names (case sensitive) or sheet numbers (1-based counting).
Columns to showComma-separated list of column numbers. Defaults to all non-hidden columns in existing order. Columns are enumerated starting at 1. If columns are specified, even hidden columns are shown. Column ordering is not supported (XL-63).
showHiddenfalseShow hidden sheets, rows, columnsEnable to show hidden elements.
showSheetNamefalseShow sheet name before the table
formatCellfalseUse cell properties for formattingEnable to process each cell for special properties. Currently, supported properties are:
  • html - Alignment, font, and background color.
  • wiki - None at this time for individual cells. For columns, formatColumn can be used. Another alternative is to use columnAttributes from Common Table Capabilities.
formatColumntrueUse column information from Excel sheetDisable to not use the column formatting information from the Excel sheet. By default, the format for a column is used to apply formatting for all cells in the column. Note that this parameter is ignored if formatCell=true or columnAttributes are specified.
hyperLinkstrueInclude cell hyperlinks
ignoreTrailingBlankRowstrueIgnore trailing blank rowsDisable to show these blank rows. A row is considered blank if the column parameter for all columns are blank.
ignoreTrailingBlankColumnstrueIgnore trailing blank columns

Show non-formatted version of the generated wiki

Enable to show a non-formatted version of the wiki table following the formatted table. This is used to help resolve formatting issues. It can also be used to convert Excel to Confluence markup by cut and paste.

Escape special wiki characters

Enable to allow special characters to be escaped so that formatting is not affected. This is in case wiki output is requested (output=wiki) and some special characters (like '|', '[', ']', '{', '}') in data may cause undesirable formatting of the table. The default is false so that data that has wiki markup is handled correctly.


Common table parameters

Include Page

Compatibility with other macros
