There are many macros available that allow for external content to be displayed in Confluence. For instance, macros from SQL, HTML, and Excel Plugin for Confluence. Even though the content appears on a Confluence page, the data will not be included in the Confluence search index since it is not included in the wiki markup of the page. One way to include the content so that it is searchable in Conflunece is to use the cache macro. How to index external content using the RUN Run macro is an alternative way to do this. The advantage of using the cache macro technique is that the search result returned will be the actual page the content is on.
- The content should be independent of the user accessing the page, otherwise the content will change depending on who last visited the page and caused the cache to be updated
- Consider automating the updating of the content by using the CSOAP to render the page on a regular basis
- Additional processing is required for each time the cache is refreshed. Specifically, the page will be indexed more often than before
- No change in behavior of the cache macro when the new index feature is not used
- An additional index extractor is involved in indexing operations
- Very low overhead for pages that do not use new feature
- Can be disabled for the site from the plugin screen
- Requires Cache pluginfor Confluence release 4.0 or above supporting Confluence 3.1 and above. For earlier Confluence releases, a earlier beta can be used.