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titleJSU for Jira Server/Data Center

This is the JSU for Jira Server/Data Center documentation. If you are using JSU on Jira Cloud, see our JSU Cloud documentation.

On this page:

Table of Contents


See the Testing and Fixing Bugs use case for an example of how some of our customers use this post function.



Function Execution Control



The configuration has several sections, as described in the following sections:

Function execution control

Here the idea is, that you have a If you are using preconditions with a JSU post function, you can use the following options to define how the precondition is evaluated:

  • Ignore precondition (default): Every precondition is ignored which means that the post function will always be performed

  • True: Precondition must be true to execute a post function

  • False: Precondition must be false to execute a post function

You can learn more about preconditions in Workflow Preconditions.

Custom Field that enables linked issue creation

Select the custom field that enables the creation of the linked issue. For example, you have a ‘Create bug?’ checkbox custom field on the transition screen, so the user can control some of the functionality. For example a checkbox 'Create Bug?' might be configured as 'Custom Field that enables linked issue creation'. Only if it is ticked, a new issue will be created. . If you set this field for this option, the issue will only be created if this checkbox is selected on the transition screen.

Typically this checkbox custom fields won't appear in on the normal screen of the issue. Also at the end you might You can later set them back to the original (default) value (see Copy within the Origin Issue).

Copy or Move Attachments added during the Transition

Instead of letting the allowing a user to choose to copy /or move the attachments, you can also configure it to either never or always copy them.

You can also choose 'Move Attachments added during Transition'. The user then adds some attachments If you select the Move option, it will appear that attachments added on the transition screen of the origin issue and it appears as if they added the attachments were added directly to the new issue. 


Mandatory values for the


New Issue

Here you configure the mandatory fields for an issue. Be aware that your Jira configuration might have additional required fields (; you should set them with Copy from the Origin Issue to the New Issue.


Additionally, the The summary will always be copied from the origin issue to the new issue. The reporter of the new issue will always be set to the user who triggered the current transition (and therefore this post function). However, you could overwrite them again later with Copy from the Origin Issue to the New Issue

Target Project

Target Project You can be set the target project to:

  • Inside same project: A new issue will be created in this same project

  • Project variables: If you use the workflow with the 'Create a Linked Issue' post function in several Jira projects, you might choose  'Project variables'. You then can configure in each of those Jira projects a different target project for the newly created issues. For more about project variables see See Project Variables to learn more.
    The format for those the project variables is as follows:

    Code Block
    createLinkedIssueTargetProjectKey.<Workflow Name>.<Workflow Transition Nummer>=<Projekt Key>


Position of the post function


‘Create’ transition

If you use this post function in the create transition (transition leading to Status "Open"), but you have to make sure to position the post function after "Creates the issue originally" and before "Re‘Create’ transition, position it after Jira’s ‘Creates the issue originally’ post function and before ‘Re-index an issue to keep indexes in sync with the database." As the create transition behaves differently than other transitions, the copying and/or moving attachment and copy


You can’t use Copy and/or move attachments added during Transition or Copy field within the same issue



 featuresfor the ‘Create’ transition.

Any other transition (not 'Create)

If you use 'Move Attachment added during Transition' you must position the post function before 'Update change history for an issue and store the issue in the database.'

You can add this post function several times in one transition.


See the Use Case Testing and Fixing Bugs for an example of how some of our customers use it.
