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The following use cases use JQL Search Extensions (JSE) issue links keywords to set the scope for event-base actions in JMWE.

For issues linked to bugs, comment on the linked ticket when resolved


JSE keyword




JMWE event


Issue Resolved


JMWE action


Comment Issues




  1. In JQL Extended Search, perform a search for issues linked to bugs, for example:

    Code Block
    linkedIssueType = Bug

     You can refine this by adding other criteria if needed.

    JSE-JMWE-linked-issue-type-bug.pngImage Removed
  2. Save the query as a filter. For this example, the filter is called Issues linked to bugs.

  3. In JMWE, create or edit an event-based action to use the Issue Updated event.

  4. Set the scope to Only apply to issues that match a JQL filter.

  5. Click the JQL input box, then search using the filter name, for example, filter="Issues linked to bugs".

  6. Click Save. The filter is added to your event-based action configuration.

  7. Add the Comment issues post function.

  8. Save the action.

    JSE-JMWE-Issues-linked-to-bugs-config.pngImage Removed

    Now, when an issue is resolved, issues meeting the JQL filter criteria are updated with the comment configured for step 7. You can apply the same use case to other events, for example, Issue Deleted.

When an issue moves to In Progress, change any linked issue in the To Do status to In Progress


JSE keyword




JMWE event


Issue Transitioned


JMWE action


Transition Issue




  1. In JQL Extended Search, perform a search for child issues matching a given query, for example

    Code Block
    linkedIssueStatus = "To Do"


    JSE-JMWE-scope-of-children-of.pngImage Removed
  2. Save the query as a filter. For this example, the filter is called Linked issues in To Do.

  3. In JMWE, create or edit an event-based action to use the Issue Transitioned event.

  4. Set the scope to Only apply to issues that match a JQL filter.

  5. Click the JQL input box, then search using the filter name, for example, filter="Linked issues in To Do".

  6. Click Save. The filter is added to your event-based action configuration.

  7. Add the Transition issues post function.

  8. Save the action.

    JSE-JMWE-transition-issue-with-JQL-scope.pngImage Removed

    Now, when an issue is transitioned to

    titlein progess
    linked issues meeting the JQL filter criteria are transitioned from
    titleTo Do
    titleIn progrss

 Automatically add a label to issues from Support so they are easier to view by developers.


A development team isn’t resolving issues coming from support in the expected time.

Solution: Build a scheduled task that labels all issues linked to a support issue as support so that it would be then visible in a Jira filter or a dashboard

JSE keyword


PowerScripts features

SIL Manager and Scheduler


  1. In Jira, go to Settings > Apps.

  2. In the Apps sidebar menu, under POWER SCRIPTS, select SIL Manager.

  3. On the SIL Manager page, select File > New file to create a new file.

  4. Add the following script to the file, and replace MyProject with your project details.

    Code Block
    string [] issues = selectIssues("project = MyProject AND linkedByIssueProject = SUPPORT AND (labels IS EMPTY OR labels != support)");
    for(string i in issues) {
      %issueKey%.labels += "support";

  5. Click the Save icon in the top menu to save the file.

  6. Select Power Apps Config in the left sidebar. The Power Apps Config menu displays.

  7. Select Advanced > Scheduler to display the Scheduled Jobs page.

  8. Click Schedule job. The Schedule new job window displays.

  9. Select Interval for the Job type. Alternatively, use a CRON expression to define the interval.

  10. Set the interval when the script should run, for example,1h.

  11. Select the Edit icon in the Script field.

  12. Select the saved file from the list and click Select.

    JSE-Power-Scripts-select-ticker-tracker.pngImage Added
  13. In the Schedule new job window, select the Run as user.

    JSE-Power-Scripts-schedule-new-job-support.pngImage Added

  14. Click Save. Your saved scheduled job displays in the list of scheduled jobs. You can later edit or delete the job as required.

    JSE-PowerScripts-scheduler-support-tickets.pngImage Added

    Now, every 60 minutes, this script will run and add the label Support to any issues that match the JQL query used in the script.